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Bela was walking silently in the deserted road cursing her fate in the foggy night rubbing her arms easing the cold weather.

While she was walking, she felt a sudden thug on her wrist and in the next moment she hit a hard yet a soft thing and she very well knows what or who it is.

She looked up to find the same deep black orbs looking at her and she suddenly felt a pang in her heart thinking of all that happened hours back.

Pushing him with all the force she took a step back and looked at him while her tears seem to not leave her side.

"Bela", he whispered

"Why are you here Mahir?", Bela asked maintaining a decent distance from him

"And what do you think you are doing here?", Mahir asked taking a step towards her

"Why do you even bother?", Bela asked looking aside

"Come home, it's not safe at this hour", Mahir said trying to hold her hand

"Stay away Mahir.. you don't have to worry about me and come like this looking for me.. I can certainly take care of myself, thank you", Bela answered blankly

"Bela we can speak in home, now please come", Mahir requested

It was a rare moment to witness Mahir Sehgal requesting someone.. please, sorry, thank you where something never in his dictionary.

Bela looked at him and felt her eyes soften for a brief moment.. but mentally slapped herself for forgetting everything happened a while ago.

"I'm not coming anywhere", Bela declared

"You are coming with me Bela and that's final", Mahir shouted loosing his patience

He had being calm so far and that's more to his patience level.. but when it comes to her, he becomes a totally different person from past few days.

He came looking for her since the moment she left the house, he knows it was his mistake but couldn't help the situation either.

"Who the hell are you to order me Mr. Sehgal, I'm not your employee to obey everything you say", Bela shouted equally on his face

If it was someone else then mahir would make sure to see him dead by now, no one dares to speak against Mahir.. not at office, not at home either.

She was the first person who dared to and even does..!

"If you forget then let me remind to this pea size brain of yours.. I'm your legally wedded husband Bela", Mahir said holding her by her shoulder

Bela looked at him wishing for all this to be true and meaningful.. but no!! She knows it well.

She gave a sad smile pushing him away.

"You can't announce to the world me being your wife, but inside the four walls you very well remember we are legally wedded husband and wife.. wow, that's so great of you Mr. Mahir Sehgal", Bela laughed mocking her own fate

How she wished Mahir would say the same claiming her as his, as his wife! But alas, she knows US was probably never between them.. it was just YOU and ME!


Ever heard of opposite poles? That's exactly what they are!!

She loves to talk, while he prefer silence..

She follows her heart, while he listens to his mind..

She needs people around, he rather opts to be alone..

While nothing seems to match between the two, there's something that brings them together over the time.. may be destiny!?

He thinks he's incapable of love, but when she enters his life.. he found himself getting back to himself, his original self!

While everyone calls him emotionless, she became his weakness bringing out all his burning emotions out. Her happiness was something which makes him smile.. and eventually her tears became HIS ONLY WEAKNESS!!

Not all love stories are fairytales where the price comes to take his princess along, sometimes love is followed by pain and that indeed strengthen the love between two individuals.

Mahir Sehgal, 29 year old young and successful business man in India. People who knows him professionally calls him as Hitler for the strict and emotionless person he is, but for his family he's someone who lost himself at a point of life.

Although always an introvert, being particular about things, very organized and the Mr. Perfect he is.. he seems to drown himself with his work running away from all the emotions coming his way.

Bela Sharma, 27 year old gynecologist working in a top most hospital standing on her own feet despite being the daughter of one of the richest bussiness man in India.

She loves to talk, talking and eating are something she could do all her life and still wouldn't be bored off. She lives in the moment finding happiness in every little thing around her.

Join the journey of Mahir and Bela to witness there cute banters yet there burning emotions!!


Hellooo peeps!! Happy New Year to you all.. wishing a happy and fabulous year ahead ❤️

So as promised I'm back with the season 2 of His Only Weakness. Feels so excited to start if off after seeing the love and support I have received for the first season.

Ofcourse, this one was never in my mind but seeing a few requests I thought I should do this. I promised to come with a season 2 by December end and let's say I have posted this just to keep my word.. coz I'm going on a break for a few months till my semester exams get completed.

I have assignments and projects in each subject which has to be done in less than a month along with my practical and theory exams which will go on till mid of march so this time it's hella difficult for me to find time.

Thanks to the lockdown that like any other I just kept my online classes aside and enjoyed it throughout writing in a spree but it wouldn't be the same now.. my studies have to be my first priority so I'll start the story on or before April.

I promise, when I start I'll give my hundred percent to this.. but I hope you guys wait till then giving the same love and support you have poured on me so far.

Note : This is a complete new and different story from the previous one and can be read stand-alone as well ❤️

Do share this with everyone who read my first part, I don't want anyone to miss this who has loved "His Only Weakness".

And thank you guys.. all this is nothing without you all. Do vote, comment and share ❤️

~ Srija

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