
"Yes, Payno I'm fine. Have you told the lads?" I asked Liam. It was already afternoon and boys would be here in a few hours.

"Yes, I have told them. I have given your address as well. But what is it you want to talk about and why are you calling from Daisy's phone?" he interrogated. I sighed.

"Oh, my phone broke. I have ordered a new one. It'll be delivered by tomorrow. And it's about band only. There are things which needs to be clear before we take a step ahead. It's important we all are on the same page." I said.

"okay. Louis, can I ask you something?" he asked, hesitated.


"Are you happy?"

"What is this question? Of course, I am."

I don't know why I lied but it just didn't feel right to tell him what I went through yesterday. It was horrible.

"No, I think we kinda pushed you into all this without even asking you." Well, yes you did Liam but now there's no going back. I thought.

'It's okay, Payno and anyways, nothing is decided yet. We don't know what we're going to do. Let's see what we can come up with tonight." I said, unsure.

"Yeah, see you tonight, Tommo."

We hung up. I had a terrible headache this morning but with some Yorkshire tea and a heavy breakfast I was back on my feet. I apologized to Daisy again because she had to break the window to enter my room. It was very daredevil of her.

"But where are the spare keys to your room, Lou? I kept searching for them but no luck that's why I had to break the window." She asked.

"In my room." I rubbed the back of my neck, smiling sheepishly.

"Wow! What a great place, Lou. You're an idiot." She said hitting my head. We were having our lunch.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked.

"No, maybe not at the moment. But I'll be fine, D. it's just too much to take at once." I sighed.

"Then you should relax and take rest. Why don't you cancel this meeting with the lads?"

"No, I can't it's important. It's better we get this over with. And also, I want him to know that I'm not messing around." I said looking down.

"You know that you don't have to prove him anything, right?"

I know but I stayed silent.

"Lou, stop giving people what they want you to give them. I know it's difficult for you, but you just can't give in everytime."

"I don't want to talk about it, D. I have a meeting with my team. If you get any call for me on your phone, just inform me."

I stood up and went inside my studio leaving her alone at the table. I felt bad but I really don't want to talk about him. It always hurt me to see how our relationship has changed over the years. There was a time when we couldn't keep our hands off each other and now, we can't even look the other person in the eye. It's true that I miss him, I miss being loved by him, but it is what it is. We're no longer together and there's no way in hell that we could even be friends now. I took a deep breath and opened my laptop to meet with my partners and discuss about taking on one direction.


"I'm going out." Daisy shouted from her room.

"Why and where are you going? The boys will be here any moment. I thought you were dying to meet Niall." I chuckled. I was preparing some snacks and setting the trays.

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