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Welcome to the one you've all been waiting for!

Okay, maybe not all.


Welcome to my Creators Program WIP! So exciting!

This story is a bit special. In it's own right, it is a stand-alone. So you definitely don't need to read anything else in order to understand and enjoy it.


And you'd know there would be a big but, this is the origin story for the antagonist of my Jewel Project series which means it contains HUGE SPOILERS for the entire series.

Therefore, this book can be read in three ways:

1. After you finish the Jewel Project Series - yeah, if you finished the series, you definitely deserve this one. If you haven't, I recommend (and definitely do not demand) that you do first. If you're in the middle of reading the series DO NOT touch this one.

2. Before starting the series - truth is, you could go into the series knowing how it all started because, technically, time-line wise, this is the FIRST one. It would just seriously transform your experience because most of the mystery aspects would be gone (because they're answered here). You still get action, adventure, romance and (more) frustration.

3. As a stand alone - yes, you can finish this story and walk away, just taking it as it is.

Pick your poison.

About the story

You've probably read the very vague blurb. Yes, everything is a spoiler here, and if you've read the series, you know why.

The story is going to be dark. As I mentioned, villain origin story. Can't be happy. But that doesn't mean I won't sink in my brand of awkward humor for everyone to enjoy.

The story will be long. Loads of things to go over before sending our MC into the wide world.

It's set in 1992 which was a magical time. Prepare to see how lack of technology used to work and how it served plot so much better than cell phones. Letters? What are those?

Creator's program? What that? Well, this means I have to keep writing it, update frequently, and either make it huge or finish it within a year. So there's absolutely no chance of having an unfinished story. Yay, right?

With those said, I hope you will join me and support me on this special journey!

And to my darling Grant Pack... Eeek, HERE WE GO!

We also get some pretty pictures and esthetics. So huge thanks to allrenwrote (original drawing) and _ragha_(esthetics) for doing these.

I'll probably insert those once wattpad decides to stop deleting them 😑

Much love,


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