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"You have a cat? That's so adorable!"
Kazutora says as he pets Peke J who immediately purrs. Traitor! He immediately got comfortable with him!

"No, that's a tiger." I rolled my eyes as he started laughing out loud.

I'm nice enough to let them inside my apartment and I even fed them! Now, I'm stuck with them. Baji-san is laying down on the couch because he says he's a patient, Kazutora rolls his eyes after hearing that. On the other hand, Kazutora is sitting on the floor while playing with Peke J. I reminded myself to sit one meter away from him.

"Uh, don't you have plan to go home?" I asked the two of them who just stared at me before shaking their heads.

"This is basically my second home." Baji-san says, trying to relax himself on the couch.

"This will be my new home." Kazutora says, his eyes staring Baji-san intensely while Baji-san glared heavily at him.

"Okay, speak up! Both of you! What is the problem?" I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at the two with intense glares.

The two opened their mouths but no words were coming out from them. I waited patiently for one of them to speak up but they just stared at each other for a minute before glancing at me nervously.

I sighed heavily. "Fine. Just do whatever you want." I said before standing up and made my way to my room.

I just need to clean up my room if ever they stay for the night. I also called my mom to ask where did she put the futon because she cleaned up yesterday after work and to visit my grandparents house.

"Chifuyu, what are you doing?" I heard Kazutora says as he knocked on my door. "Keisuke went to his apartment to get snacks." He added and opened the door without my permission but I know he will not listen to me if I tell him not to come in.

"Can you help me with this?" I mumbled. My back is facing him so I couldn't really see his face. I heard his footsteps nearing before he suddenly shove my shoulder down on the messy futon. "What the fuck?!" I hissed and tried to push him away but he's too heavy!

"You're so fluffy!" He giggles and put down all of his weight on me. He flipped us over and I tried to get away from him but he keeps pulling me.

"You're such a pervert!" I squirmed when his hands went inside my shirt and caressed my fucking tummy!

"Sorry..." He clears his throat before letting me go. I turned away from him and hugged my knees. "Hey, I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." He says softly. My hearts pace became faster and I can feel my cheeks heating up!

"Hmm, that's right. How dare you touch him?" I jumped out from my place because I didn't know Baji-san is listening! Since when did he get here?!

"I'm sorry, Baji-san." I apologized and buried my face further on my knees.

I heard shuffling sounds before I feel Baji-san hugged me from behind. I also feel Kazutora sat beside me and placed his head on my shoulder.

"No, I'm sorry. Is it too late now?" Baji-san asked and I nodded. I really am trying to move forward but they're acting like this and I couldn't understand a bit of it! "Did I lose you?" He whispered against my ear and I couldn't control my heart.

How can love be so cruel?


PUPPY LOVE | Chifuyu Matsuno Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon