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Be ready to lose anyone anytime because forever doesn't exist.

At one glance at the torn papers, I knew it was Baji-san's writing. And from the looks of it, it was the one of the letters that he was sending to Kazutora.

The question is...Why did they sent me this? What is their purpose?

I tried to put it all together but there was missing pieces. It made me frustrated that I couldn't sleep while thinking about it. It was sunrise when my tears started falling down on my cheeks all of a sudden.

"Why am I crying?" I bit my lower lip as I waited for the sun to come. The small light coming from the window lit up my room. And I feel like the time was frozen because I can't stop...I can't stop crying. "Stupid tears!" I covered my face using my palm as I cried harder until the sun is out.

They say crying eases the pain but for me...it just make me feel more suffocated. I couldn't breath properly as sobs were coming out of my mouth. I know that my mom can hear me but I just couldn't stop. All I am thinking is that I wish I mattered enough for Baji-san.

"Chifuyu?" My Mom called from the outside of my room. She knocked softly and I immediately removed my hands on my face. "I'm coming in." She says and I couldn't stop her. I just want someone to..."Oh, my dear baby." She's still wearing her pajamas and when she saw how messed up I am, she immediately walked near me to hug me.

It's all I ever need right now. My mom's warmth and care.

She listened to my cries and keeps rubbing soothing circles on my back.
"I know what happened, Fuyu." She says softly, stroking my hair using her fingers. "His mom told me that...he brought home another friend. Are you upset?" She asks and I couldn't utter any words.

I am upset. I am jealous, I am hurt...
"I love Baji-san." I mumbled, lips quivering as I confess. It feels a little bit lighter now that I confess but I know I will feel okay if I confess to him.

My mom wasn't surprised. Instead, she let out a hearty laugh. "So, I've noticed..."

I calmed down after an hour and mom advices me to stay in the house for a while. This includes, no fighting.
I agreed to it because I want to be alone for a while. I started my day by eating breakfast and feeding Peke J. I helped mom with the dishes before playing with Peke J and cleaning him up.

"Don't you scratch me. I'm your owner." I scolded him as I wash his body. He meows before showing me his paw. I went silent. He used to do this whenever Baji-san cleans him up. It's a gesture that he wants Baji-san to clip his nails. Baji-san was the one whose doing these things. I often cleans him up and feeds him but Baji-san was also close to him.

Peke J is our treasure. He's the symbol of our friendship.

After I cleaned him up, I started cleaning my room. I wipe my cabinets, my desk, moped the floor, and I even changed the bedsheets and curtains.

"This is tiring..." I huffed as I laid down on the dried floor. My eyes traveled back to the small box and I sighed. "I think...I should burn them."

I stood up from the floor and made my way to my desk. I held the box in my arms and carried it out of my room. I asked mom for lighter and she gave me a brand new one.

"Peke J! Get away from here!" I yelled when I saw Peke J was about to jump on the trash bin in front of me.

I sighed as he jumped out of the railings of the balcony and strides inside my room.

PUPPY LOVE | Chifuyu Matsuno Where stories live. Discover now