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"I don't know his plans." I admitted as I sat in front of Mikey.

"Are you two not talking?" Mikey asked, scooping a little bit amount of ice cream.

It's been a week since that unfortunate moment happened. I never get a chance to meet with him again. I'm not used to it. I won't be able to get use to it. It's like my world restarted. I met new people but I won't forget him. I made friends but he will always be my day one.

"We're not..." I said, watching as he tries to get the cherry on the bottom of his finished cup of ice cream.

"I can't understand him sometimes." Mikey says, his forehead creases as he can't get the cherry. "I'm one of his longest friends - Fuck, this!" My lips parted when he suddenly curses but he slowly picked up the cherry using his fingers.

"Mikey, I want to say something -"

"Ah, look! Ken-chin just texted me and said he's coming!" He cut me off immediately.

"Mikey -" My jaw clenched as Mikey keeps interrupting me and won't let me talk!

"Takemitchy too!" Oh, Takemichi. He's one of my new friends.

"God, I won't leave Toman!" I rolled my eyes. I know why he keeps interrupting me, he thinks that I will leave Toman now that Baji-san isn't here.

Mikey sighs and grinned widely. "I was also thinking who should be the First Division Captain." He says all of a sudden that made me intrigued.

"Can I ask you a favor?" He stared at me for so long before he nodded slowly, his blonde hair swaying and his eyes looking at me with curiosity.
"I want to choose who would be the next First Division Captain. I want to follow someone I trust." I said, keeping my chin up so I won't break down.

The thought of replacing Baji-san breaks me. It's like...that was our only connection now. But, he left me, us. And he's now fighting with Kazutora. He chooses him and even if it breaks my heart, I respected his decision. Because that's the only thing I can do. If ever he's planning something, I will gladly help him. However, he didn't ask for me.

Our table was soon filled with laughter as soon as Draken and Takemichi arrived. It was a coincidence that we saw the Kawata twins passing by together with Mucho. Sanzu is surprisingly not with them. Mitsuya, however, just stopped by to buy ice cream for his sisters.

"Chifuyu, how did you do your hair like this?!" Takemichi pointed out at his friend's hair. His name is Akkun, they call him that. Apparently, Mikey just dragged him here too.

My face turns red. I do not want to think about that hairstyle! It's too embarrassing! I brushed him off as they all laughed. I wonder if they're just pretending. I know that Baji-san leaving Toman had a big impact on them. Sometimes, I want to ask them wjat what they truly feels but I'm afraid I will just ruin the fun.

It was around noon when we all parted ways. Takemichi and Akkun is with me. Takemichi says his girlfriend is just around the area so he's going on a date with her. I can't still believe he has a girlfriend. Mitsuya is attractive and responsible, he's the boyfriend material, but he doesn't have a girlfriend. Same goes for Draken who is apparently crushing on the younger Sano. Mikey is...I don't know if he will handle romantic relationships. But, I think Pah and Peh can. They all have strong appeal and some may think they're lame but actually they're so amazing.

At the time we passed by a crowded place, I feel goosebumps as three men walked passed us. What was that? I think Takemichi felt the same because I saw how his brows furrowed. We both stopped walking making Akkun confused.

We both looked back to the three and I glared at Kisaki's back. "Third Division Captain?" Akkun asks.

"Yeah..." Takemichi answered, averting his gaze and looks down at the ground. It's like he's thinking about something. There's fear in his eyes but I can also see determination.

"What's wrong?" I asked and studied him. He shakes his head and stood up properly.

"Everything's fine!" He chuckles awkwardly and scratches his nape, I slowly nodded.

We continue walking again until we reached a shop that sells clothes. Hinata was waving her hands while smiling brightly as she saw us standing outside the shop. Takemichi said goodbye and entered the shop, walking towards his girlfriend who was holding a red shirt.

"I'll see you around, Chifuyu!" Akkun says, waving his hands. I did the same before completely walking out of the crowd.

I made my way to the apartment building. My feet hurts for walking so long. I'm thinking of taking a cold shower and resting at the moment. Ah, maybe I can listen to music and read a shojo manga. Maybe watch dramas too!

I grinned at myself while walking. Ha...I've never been so excited to do something like that again. Because I always think of Baji-san every time I do those things I use to do. He's always there back then. But, now he's just in my memory.

The empty space beside me is not new before I met Baji-san. The warmth Baji-san gave me when he's beside me was my escape from the cold. And now the cold empty space beside me will mean nothing but loneliness and bitterness that lays on my heart.

I stopped walking when I caught a glimpse of the parking lot. Baji-san's bike is there and another unfamiliar bike. I swallowed thickly before shaking the anxious thoughts away.

I ignored the rapid pace of my heart as the elevator moves up until it reached my floor. I hid my trembling fists as I walked out of the elevator. I was cautious as I typed the passcode and I shivered when I felt someone else's presence behind me. I tried to ignore it but the shadow of the person was nearing me.

I opened the door of my apartment and heard my mom greeted me. "Welcome home, Chifuyu!" Her voice is cheerful. Did something good happened?

I looked behind me but no one's there. I gulped before closing the door shut.
"Mom, what happened?" I asked while removing my shoes. I brush my bangs back before striding towards the kitchen to where my mom is. I smelled something delicious when I entered that's why I know she's cooking.

I saw Peke J curled up on the top of the refrigerator so I went near him to scoop him in my arms. I turned to my mom who was looking at me with a gentle smile. I smiled softly and pulled a chair so that I can sit while watching her cook.

"Someone gave me that box...saying it's for you." She says pointing at the box that was placed on the dining table.

"Someone?" I scratches Peke J's chin as I looked over at the box. It was a small box, the size was enough to fit a five notebooks in it. I placed Peke J on the next chair beside me and reached for the box. It was light like a feather.

I removed the tape and opened it slowly. A gasp leaves me as I saw a few torn papers. I looked at it carefully and realized it was Baji-san's writing! I picked one of the torn pieces of the paper. I can't read it properly because of the writing but it reads.


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PUPPY LOVE | Chifuyu Matsuno حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن