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"Baji-san, do you think it's a good idea?" I asked for the ninth time this morning.

Since, I have nothing else to do at Sundays. Normally, me and Baji-san would just hang out in my house. We would play with Peke J, read books, and he would listen to my complaints about those books, and eat snacks.

However, this time he invited me to go with him and meet his friends. We were riding his bike, and I think the wind is stronger than yesterday or is it just how Baji-san drives? Because he drives fast and I think my soul is coming out of my body.

"Of course, Chifuyu! They would love you! They're nice." Baji-san grinned and quickly met my gaze on the side mirror. "And if you're uncomfortable we can go home." He smiled.

Baji-san is too nice. He's too nice for me that sometimes I think I don't deserve him as my best friend. He's just too good. I'm really not good at making friends. If someone approaches me, I would just stare at them until they vanishes in front of me. Maybe, that's why I don't have so many friends.

And that is the reason why I'm nervous right now. Baji-san said his friends are nice. This is the first time I will meet them. What if they won't like me as Baji-san's friend? I'm far from nice and Baji-san was the only one I treated nice aside from my mother and Peke J and a few people.

"The playground?" I asked as I give Baji-san his helmet. He nodded while taking off his helmet too.

My eyes roamed around the area and not far from us was five boys standing while laughing at some thing.

"Yo, Baji."

I got startled when someone talked behind me. His voice was deep and when I turned around my lips parted.

He's bald! Like his head is...shining.

"Hey, Mucho! Did the uniform fits you?" I stepped backwards until I was in the same line as Baji-san. I quickly hide behind him. They know each other and I'm sure it's one of his friends!

"Fortunately." Mucho says, raising an eyebrow. My hand trembles when he stared at my eyes directly. I'm sweating really bad because I'm super nervous and Baji-san just chuckles!

"This is Chifuyu. Chifuyu this is Mucho. Toman's 5th Division Captain."

Oh. The 5th division captain. I slowly bowed in front of him even if the half of my body is still not visible to him.

"Chifuyu, huh?" His once blank face was gone when his lips formed an amuse smirk.

"Yeah?" I didn't stutter!

Before Mucho could even utter another word, someone shrieked behind us. I quickly turned around only to be met by a...12 years old boy? He looks like it. He's small, I am small, not that tall, but he's smaller?

"Baji! Is this Chifuyu?! The blonde cutie you were talking about -" Baji-san immediately slap a hand over his mouth when the boy pointed his index finger at me.

"I'm Baji-san's friend." I said and bowed to show some respect. "I'm Chifuyu Matsuno." As soon as I stood straight. A taller boy towers over me. A silver-haired boy was smiling politely at me behind the tall boy.

"I'm Mikey!" The blonde boy introduces himself. "I've heard a lot about you." He smirks as he glance over at Baji-san who was silently glaring at him for some reason.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled politely.

"I'm Draken." The taller boy says, scanning me from head to toe. "This is Mitsuya...Pah and Peh." The silver-haired boy waves his hand while the other two just nodded at me.

I was also confused about their names. Pah and Peh? Are they some kind of duo?

We talked for a while before they dragged me inside the playground. Baji-san was just beside me, I am relieved. Though, I noticed how close he is to Mikey. Of course, Baji-san would be friends with someone who is cool. But, I think there's something more.

"So...did you mention it?" Draken carefully asks. He nodded at my direction, I was about to sit at the end of the slide while they stand around.

My cheeks flushed upon realizing the attention is on me. But, I nodded at Draken. I know what he is talking about. Baji-san talked to me last night about joining their gang. I was hesitant but excited at the same time. I want to fight side by side with Baji-san even if he's more stronger. And he promised me that if something bad happens, he will be there for me.

"So?" Draken raised an eyebrow. Okay,  he's more mature than anyone else here and I don't want to question his age because clearly he's more fit to be a 20 years old man. On my observation, Mikey is somehow childish. Mitsuya is more calm and collected like Draken. Mucho is quiet but thinks the same way like Draken, he's also scary. Pah and Peh is a little bit loud and Baji-san is aggressive but nice.

"I...I want to join. But, I want to be in Baji-san's division." I said, looking down at the ground, fiddling my fingers nervously.

They went silent and I know something is wrong. Especially when Mikey sighs heavily. I bit my lower lip to stop my tears. If I will join their gang, I want to be in Baji-san's division. I don't know everyone here except for their names and it's making me anxious.

"I told you, Mikey. He will be in my division." Baji-san says. I looked up at him and he was smiling down at me.
"He will be my vice captain." My eyes widened when he said that. What does he mean by that? Vice captain?! Me?!

I can't utter any words and they took my silence as a yes.

My eyes remained on Baji-san as he speaks to Mikey and Draken. His black long hair was swaying as the wind passes by. His canines were showing as he talks and I noticed how his bronze orbs shine under the sun.

It's been months since we met and I can't seem to get use to him hanging out with me.

The black jacket was heavy along with the pants. The boots is heavy too but comfortable. I blinked as I stare at my figure in front of the mirror. Baji-san clapped his hands behind me as Mitsuya stood beside me proudly. I didn't know he has a talent.

"Thank you, Mitsuya-kun." I smiled while still staring at figure. I couldn't...it seems like a dream for me. A dream to be in the same gang as Baji-san. It was an honor to be with him.

"You did well again, Mitsuya!" Mikey says, smiling. Draken jjst nodded while looking at the kanji etched on the back of the jacket. Baji-san walked closer to me and tapped my right shoulder.

The same day I got my uniform, I got introduced to the whole Toman as Toman's First Division Vice Captain.

"Welcome to Toman, Chifuyu."

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