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I immediately sat up when someone barges in my room. It was already dark and I was hoping I could get some sleep before eating dinner.

I groaned before throwing a pillow at Baji-san who quickly dodge it. He chuckled before walking closer to my bed. "You're still wearing your uniform. Ew, go change!" I shrieked when he suddenly pulled both of my ankles and dragged me down to the floor.

"Baji-san! I'm trying to sleep!" I groaned in frustration as I kicked his legs. I don't have homework to do and I'm planning to read the manga I just started yesterday. It's a romance comedy and I was so excited to know what happened to the lead characters.

I looked up at Baji-san and noticed he's wearing that gang uniform again, I frowned. "Meeting?" I asked quietly as I watched him take a seat on my bed. I leaned my back against the bed and looked up at him.

"Yeah, wanna come?" He grinned.

I shake my head. He's been doing this since we met. Every time he barges in my room wearing that gang uniform saying he's attending a gang meeting and always, always asked me to go with him. I always shake my head in disapproval because I have no confidence to be on Baji-san's side, especially when it comes to fighting.

Baji-san is strong. He's good at fighting and I have no match with him. I may not completely enter the delinquent world but I know that most of the delinquents admired him.

I have no confidence to fight side by side with Baji-san. He's an expert and sure I can take down some weakling and maybe some strong delinquents too but I know in the end I will lose.
And I don't like losing but I know how to accept defeat. I'm not easy to give up too but I know when to give up.

"Do you want to eat peyoung yakisoba before you go?" I asked and offered him a small smile.

"We'll split it?" I nodded before standing up to walk out of my room. My face crumpled as I know I've disappointed Baji-san every time I turn him down.

"Baji-san, it's ready!" I called him after. I was holding our chopsticks when he went out of my room holding Peke J in his arms.

"He's getting fat." He pointed out, scratching Peke J's tummy. "You're giving him too much food." He scolded me, I rolled my eyes before settling down the two chopsticks on the piece of tissue on the table.

"I only fed him like two times a day! I don't know if my Mom is feeding him while I'm away." I said.

He shrugged before sitting down on the chair across mine. Peke J jumped out of his hold and he went to me, nuzzling on my legs. He purred as I scratch his chin.

"Thank you for the food!" We both said before digging in.

We ate while talking about school and random things. I didn't even finish eating when he stood up. "I'm going to be late!" He panicked as he glanced at the wall clock. I gulped and looked at him with a pout. "Sorry, Fuyu. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I nodded because what else would I say? If I ask him to stay, will he stay?

I watch as he gulped down the whole glass of water in front of him before walking away from the dining room. I looked down at the half eaten peyoung yakisoba and frowned.
As soon as he left, the whole house became silent. It always was, without him, my world is silent.


I glance at my side when I saw Peke J trying to lift my chin up using his paw. "How did you get on the table?" I smiled before grabbing him and I hugged him not so tightly.

"I don't have the appetite to eat now." I sighed. "I will just go read." Peke J scratches my arm and I hissed because it sting a little.

"I noticed he's ignoring me ever since I hugged him. It was just because of excitement and it doesn't have any malice. We're best friends! And it's okay to hug your best friend if you're excited, right? " I read those sentences from the manga book I'm reading.

"I hug Baji-san last week because he bought me the last volume of the manga I've been wanting to buy." I whispered to myself. "Totally normal." I nodded while reading the next sentences.

"But now...I was confused. Why is he holding me back from greeting my crush? " I gasp dramatically and read that sentence again and again.

"Friends to lovers?" I hummed as I flip the page. "Yeah. He deserves better, though." I nodded while scanning the whole page.

"You're talking to yourself again."

"I see you're back now Baji-san. Why didn't you enter from the front door this time?" I asked while my eyes are still locked from the book I'm holding.

"I'm..." I hummed, telling him to continue. "I got into a fight and my Mom yelled at me as soon as she saw me all bruised up."

I turned around to look at him and sighed when I saw his bleeding knuckles and a few bruises on his face. I carefully close my book and placed it on my nightstand.

"What is it this time?" I got out of my bed before walking towards my bathroom. I heard him scowling as he tripped on something while walking to my bed. "Don't sit on my bed! I don't want your blood staining it." I reminded him and he yelled something inappropriate.

I took the first aid kit and went out of the bathroom. He's taking his jacket off and I noticed his boots were nowhere to be found. "Be thankful my mom is staying at my grandparents house for the night." I said and went near him.

"Yeah, yeah..." I placed the first aid kit beside him and went to my closet to grab a shirt and shorts. We're having sleepovers sometimes and he has some clothes here. "I'm surprised you're still awake. I thought you don't want to mess up your sleeping schedule." He added as he grab the clothes from my hands and was holding the first aid kit.

"I'm reading...your towel is next to mine!" I yelled when I saw him grab my towel again.

I waited for him to finish cleaning up. I was comfortably laying back on the mattress when he suddenly dive on my bed smelling like my shower gel. His other hand was placed on my head and was lightly gripping my hair. His thumb was rubbing circles on my undercut which made me drift off to sleep.

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PUPPY LOVE | Chifuyu Matsuno Where stories live. Discover now