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The first time I met Baji-san, I thought he's just a dumb lame guy. I've never seen him before, maybe he just got transferred. But, when he helped me defeat those stupid guys, my thoughts for him changed.

He's Toman's First Division Captain, Baji Keisuke. I think he's super cool! And he also asked me if I like peyoung yakisoba and because I was so shocked, I said yes. Well, I like peyoung yakisoba too.

"Do you like cats?" He asked after seeing my keychain. I zipped my bag slowly and nodded, giving him a bottle of water.

"I like cats too! I often feed some stray cats near my apartment building." He said cheerfully. And I want to say something but I was mesmerized by the way he grinned and that shows his pointy canines.

"I...I have a cat. His name is excalibur." He give me back the water bottle and I stared at it for a while before hesitating to drink.

"That's...a lame name for a cat." Baji-san said looking at me like I insulted him.

"Hey! I think it's cool!" I huffed, wiping my lips with the back of my hand.

"For you..." Baji-san chuckled. I sighed before throwing the water bottle on the near trash bin.  "Let's go home now, your mother might be looking for you." I looked up at him when he ruffles my hair like a kid, I frowned.

"Yeah..." I breath out. I don't really want this moment to end. I want to spend more time with him. We just first met but he demolished my walls and entered my life so smoothly.

"Uh, we're going in the same way." I pointed out after a long stretch of silence.

Baji-san gasped dramatically before looking up at the apartment building in front of us.

We looked at each other for a moment before we silently enter the apartment. And when we enter the elevator, I pressed the button to 5th floor while he pressed the button to 6th floor. My mouth parted a little as Baji-san stood beside me. He flicked his tongue before laughing heartily.

"Well..." He breath out. "I guess it's a small world?" I turned to him and saw him smirking while looking straight at the elevator door.

"Yeah..." I breath out, smiling a little. I didn't know we live in the apartment building. And I recall my mom visited a family days ago who just moved in. Well, maybe that's the Baji family. I should've went with my Mom.

The elevator stopped to my floor and I was about to go out of the elevator when I feel Baji-san follow me. "What?" I raised my brows and he just gestures me to continue walking. I oblige and walked out of the elevator with Baji-san following me.

"I just want to make sure you -" Baji-san couldn't continue his sentence when we stopped in front of my door and that door was opened suddenly that we both jumped out of our places.

"Oh, Keisuke?" I bit his lower lip as my mom glanced at Baji-san before me. "I see you two have finally meet." My mom says and smiled politely at Baji-san. If my mom saw my bruises she didn't mention it as she's focused on Baji-san.

"Mom...I'm home." I said. "Thank you for today, Baji-san." I faced Baji-san and bowed in front of him.

"Ah, don't mention it Chifuyu." I closed my eyes softly when Baji-san ruffles my hair again.

We both said our good bye's but my Mom won't let Baji-san go. She's asking Baji-san how did his day go and my mom even let Baji-san inside our house and let him sit on the couch only to left us after saying she's going to buy groceries.

"Hey, that's the cat that has been coming to our house!" Baji-san happily says as he saw excalibur walking towards us. "Hello, Peke J!" I let Baji-san pet my cat but my brows furrowed when I heard what name Baji-san called him.

Peke J?!

"His name is excalibur." I huffed grabbing my cat away from Baji-san.

"Huh?" Baji-san looks so confused on why I suddenly took excalibur away from him. "His name is Peke J!" He argued.

"No. I'm the owner. And I say his name is excalibur." I raised my chin up and stood in front Baji-san.

"But, that's lame. Peke J is more cool!" Baji-san looks up at me and raised an eyebrow too.

I stared at him straight in the eyes and he did the same. He's not wearing his eyeglasses and his hair is tied up into a low ponytail. A few strands left in front of him and his tantalizing bronze orbs were like looking inside my soul.

I blinked twice. "Fine, Peke J it is." I rolled my eyes before gently settling down Peke J on Baji-san's lap. He grinned before petting Peke J. He looks so happy while doing it. I just watched him play with my cat as I sat down on the floor in front of them and slowly grab my manga from the coffee table.

I quietly read and I heard some clicking noises every now and then. And when I look up to what Baji-san was doing, my heart warm up. He's taking pictures of Peke J while said cat was comfortably laying on his lap.

I looked away when Baji-san turned to me, holding his phone. "Look at me." He says and I oblige only to be met by a flash.

"Baji-san!" I panicked and threw my manga book on his direction which he dodge quickly. I know that I looked so dumb in the picture because of my reaction! He laughed evilly and stared at his phone. I pouted as I watch him laugh, I even saw his eyes welling up with tears.

I sighed heavily before crawling towards his direction to get my manga. "W-What are you doing?!" He stared down at me with wide eyes.

I looked at him, irritated. I showed him my manga book and he exhaled. "Are you not hungry?" I asked and looked at the kitchen. I remember I bought some snacks yesterday from the convenience store before going home.

"A little. I'm thirsty, though." I nodded before standing up and walked towards the kitchen.

I opened our fridge and scanned it. "Cold water or juice?" I asked looking back at him. He's focused on his phone.

"Cold water, please."

"Here." I quietly place the glass of cold water on the coffee table in front of him as I drank mine. I continue to stare at his phone and he must have noticed it.

"You can have my phone number." He says out of nowhere.

"What? Why?" I licked my lower lip as I watch his fingers type something. He's having a conversation with someone named 'Mikey'.

"We're friends. And you should have it." He shrugged before giving me his phone.

I stared at it dumbfounded. I slowly reached for it and started typing my digits while my eyes went back to Baji-san who was observing me.

"It's done." I give him back his phone as I carefully sit beside him. "What-Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, feeling my cheeks heating up because of embarrassment. It looks like he's judging me inside his head.

"I'm Baji Keisuke." I blinked.

"Okay?" I looked at him confused.

"I didn't properly introduce myself to you." He says. "Thank you for helping me write the letter, Chifuyu." He smiled, his pointy canines were visible. My heart stopped before it started beating faster.

Ah, the letter. I think it's a love letter? But he says...

I gulped and nodded carefully.

"Of course, Baji-san! I will be here for you from now on!" I smiled, my eyes forming a shape of crescent moon.

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