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Cuddle Buddies


Maisy shifted around under the covers, squeezing Teddy as close as possible. Her room's scary without her starry light at night.

When Beau tucked her in for bed, they made a horrible discovery. The batteries on her starry light had stopped working, and they couldn't find any extras in the whole apartment.

But Maisy insisted that she was a big girl. She can make it one night without her light . . .

But, she never realized how scary it is in her room at night. Especially what could be lurking in the shadows.

Maisy whimpered to herself as she imagined what kind of monsters could be hiding out of sight. Her closet door seemed to creak, only meaning one thing-

A monster coming for her.

She nearly screamed as she jumped out of her bed, making a run for Beau's room. The safest place she could think of.

"Beauy?" She whispered as she pushed the door open, holding Teddy close to her face. His gentle fuzz made her feel safer.

Beau had only just gone to bed, but his room was still frightening. He likes it pitch-black when he goes to sleep. Black-out curtains, all the lights out-Possibly drawing in monsters.

"Hm?" Beau lifted his head at the call, still half-asleep. He's usually a heavy sleeper, but somehow that little girl can make the impossible come true.

"Beauy, m' not feeling so brave anymore," Maisy whispered into the darkness as she scurried to his bed. The dark made her uneasy.

She quickly burrowed under the covers and close to Beau, his familiar scent easing her stress away.

"That's okay, love. Are you going to sleep in here?" His groggy brain finally began to piece things together as he placed his arm around her.

"Mhm," Maisy glanced up at her brother, deciding to stretch the truth a little to seem braver. She'd rather be seen as a big girl who doesn't need to sleep in her big brother's bed. "To keep you company."

"Yes, I need company tonight." Beau sleepily kissed the top of Maisy's head, almost getting a mouthful of hair. "You know, it's alright to be scared, darling."

"I know," Maisy hugged Teddy a little tighter, still skeptical of his words. In her mind, it was downright embarrassing.

"Like your brother Miles-" Beau paused to pull the covers further up for Maisy, ensuring she would get cold. "-He's deathly afraid of spiders,"

Maisy tipped her chin up to get a good look at his face, to see if he was lying or not. The combination of his faint cologne and the slow rise and fall of his chest had settled her down, but she was still a bit uneasy.

She had looked up to her siblings with such admiration, that she never stopped to think that they each had faults and fears of their own.

"Yep. Spiders terrify him more than anything in the world." Beau's low voice got even quieter, into a hushed whisper. "Even more than you do, monkey."

Maisy let out a soft giggle, she knew he was only joking. "M' scary, like a monster."

She giggled for a moment longer before scrunching her nose up in an adorable attempt to look scary. "Grrrr!"

Beau let out a small chuckle and ruffled her hair. "Very frightening, Maisy."

"Mhm," Maisy nestled closer to Beau's chest, letting her eyes flutter closed. As much as she would love to continue playing monster, her eyelids were becoming too heavy.

"Goodnight, Mais," Beau whispered with a slightly satisfied edge to his tone, glad she was feeling calm enough to fall asleep.

Soon enough though, Beau was snatched from his sleepy state by little Maisy. Well, more like smacked awake. Several times, at that.

Turns out, Maisy is a blanket hog. One that rolls, kicks, and slaps in her restless sleep. Unfortunately, Beau received most of the abuse.

He would simply grumble in his sleepy state, then try to settle back into the bed. Get some shut-eye. But, then his gut would be met with Maisy's leg as she flipped around.

It was a reoccurring theme throughout the night. A peaceful and snoring Maisy keeping poor Beau up for half the night.

As the sun rose and sunlight pooled through the small crack in the curtains, Beau opened his eyes to see a tiny foot an inch from his face.

With a groan, he gently moved it away from his pillow.

Sensing he had bad luck, he reached over to the nightstand to check his phone. Sadly, it's already morning. No more sleep.

Exhausted, Beau rubbed his hands over his face to shake some of the drowsiness. He would need a fair amount of coffee to stay awake today.

While Maisy, spent the morning absolutely energized. Completely oblivious to the soreness and exhaustion coming from the zombie they once knew as Beau.

Little Miss Maisy; Deleted ScenesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя