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"Ow! Motherf-"

"Hey," Beau silenced Eric before he could finish the loud curse, shutting the door behind them as they entered the apartment. "Watch your mouth around your sister."

Maisy gave a hesitant wave from the couch, she couldn't continue to read her book anyway. Miles had been reading to her but closed the book once their brothers came in.

"Hi, Eric."

She's been feeling just a tad guilty since they left in a haste, especially now that she can see Eric's arm in a hard cast.

Eric tripped over one of her toys on the stairs and his arm just happened to break his fall.

"Well, I assume it isn't good news," Miles gave a pointed glance to the cast, waiting for someone to elaborate.

"I have this stupid thing stuck to my body for six weeks. Six weeks!" Eric kicked his shoe off before storming off, causing Maisy to flinch as it slammed into the wall.

"Jesus, talk about a poor sport," Miles got off the couch with a sigh, going to chat more about it with Beau.

Maisy, however, stayed on the couch with Teddy. Eric seemed extra grumpy this afternoon and she didn't want to anger him any further.

She was going to hide away upstairs in her room instead, but before she could, everyone heard another yell from the upper floor.

When Miles and Beau ran up to see what happened, Maisy carefully lingered behind them. Keeping her distance.

"What happened?" Beau was hovering near Eric in his bedroom when Maisy came upstairs, trying to help in whatever way he could.

Eric was swearing underneath his breath, clutching his cast with his other hand. "This stupid cast gets in the way of everything."

Maisy hid behind Miles' legs, she could sense that her brother was upset. His voice was practically trembling he was so mad.

"Maisy, what're you doing back there?" Miles moved, revealing Maisy's poor hiding spot while Beau inspected Eric's cast. Trying to see if there was anything he could do.

". . . Nothing?" She looked up at him with the best innocent eyes she could muster. They always seem to know when she's been naughty and she was afraid they could see right through her.

"Mhm. You're looking a little upset, you alright?" Miles lifted her up, against her will at that. Luckily, Maisy had Teddy for moral support.

"M' okay," Maisy insisted. "Is Eric okay?"

Maisy seemed quite worried about him, peering into the room with large nervous eyes. Miles just dismissed it as her big heart, none of them for even a second would ever blame her.

Well, maybe a certain someone might a little.

"He's just fine, love bug. His owie is just bothering him because he's a clumsy oaf." Miles translated to the best of his abilities. After all, it isn't easy to explain a wrist fracture to a toddler.

Little Miss Maisy; Deleted ScenesWhere stories live. Discover now