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Curiosity exhausted the Brothers


"Hey-" Miles flicked Eric from behind the couch to get his attention, interrupting the teen from his phone. After Miles got off a quick phone call, he realized Maisy was no longer playing in her room. "-Have you seen the kid?"

"Nope," Eric went back to his relaxation time, continuing to scroll through his phone. Not realizing the look of sheer terror that appeared in Miles' eyes.

If she wasn't within eyesight of Eric or Miles, they could have a huge problem. Beau and Cassidy left them in charge when they went on a few errands.

The last time they lost sight of her and they were the only two in the house, Maisy ate a whole pack of cookies they left on the table. She had a huge sugar rush, and they got lectured by Beau for hours.

"Eric . . ." The pained glint in Miles' eyes made him look like he was facing a horrific WWII flashback.


It took a moment before the utter panic sank in, and they jumped up to search the house for the littlest Rose sibling.

"Maisy?!" Miles searched the bottom floor, splitting up from Eric as they looked for any trace of her. Opening cabinets, under furniture, every corner-But he came up short.

"Maisy?" Eric whistled and patted his lap as he walked around the top floor, ducking his head in each bedroom like he was looking for a lost dog. "Here, girl!"


Eric snapped his head in the direction of the voice so quickly, that he nearly gave himself whiplash. The bathroom.

Terror appeared in Eric's eyes this time. Oh, so many things could go wrong in the bathroom. Who knows what kind of trouble she could've managed to find.

". . . Maisy?" Eric practically sprinted to the bathroom, pushing open the door . . . and froze when he saw his little sister and what she was doing.

"Look what I foun'!" Maisy was oblivious to his horrified and frozen behavior, her tone still full of glee.

Eric couldn't bring himself to move. He instantly felt a hatred toward Miles for letting her out of sight for even a second.

Maisy was smiling, wide as can be, and standing over the toilet with the seat up.

Sure, that would be bad enough as is, but what scarred Eric so much was what was in her hand-And littered on the floor around her.


A tampon clutched in her small hand, still a compressed wad of cotton. Wrappers scattered around the floor, and a few applicators too.

"Eric, look! Watch!" Maisy did a small hop, she was so excited to show her brother what she discovered.

She reached into the bowl, letting the tampon make contact, expanding it three times its original size. It drew Eric's eyes to the four other wasted tampons, floating around in the water.

Suddenly, Eric's face seemed awfully pale.

"Did you find her?" Miles jogged up the stairs and paused when he saw Eric frozen in the doorway. He couldn't have been staring like that if she wasn't there.

"I think I'm gonna puke," Eric sped away and past Miles, jogging back downstairs to their other bathroom just to avoid their little sister.

Miles, however, peered into the bathroom to see what got Eric riled up. When he saw the mess, he simply rolled his eyes and yelled down the stairs. "Lightweight! Grow up!"

Miles let out an exasperated sigh at his younger brother, then wearily stared at his sister instead. "That's quite a mess you made."

Maisy's excitement didn't fade, despite their odd reactions. Ignoring him, she held up the white spongey toy she found in Cassidy's drawer.

"Look! S' like the pills!" Maisy was referring to the cheap sponge tablets that expand in water. Which, is why she thought the tampons were toys.

"Honey," Miles didn't even know where to begin with this disaster. "I-"

Giving up, he sighed as he placed his hands over his eyes. Why couldn't he have just ignored the call and kept an eye on her?

"Babe, those aren't toys." Miles finally walked closer to her, extending his arms to lift her up. "We don't play with these."

"What's the matter with Eric?" Maisy ignored his previous comments, dropping the tampon. It made a little squish as it hit the tiles, much to Miles' dismay.

"He's scared of periods."


"Never mind."

"Come on, monkey-" Miles walked a couple of steps over, reaching for the trash can from the corner. Maisy still stayed balanced on his hip, watching him. "We've gotta clean this up before Cassidy kills me."

"Okay!" Maisy still remained cheerful as Miles lowered her to the ground. Miles grabbed handfuls off the ground, shoving them into the trash can.

Maisy fluttered back over to the toilet, singing the 'clean up song' she learned at daycare while she pulled the handle down.

The flush happened before Miles could reach her, causing a huge clog. Slowly but surely, water began to rise from the bowl until it began to overflow.

". . . Wonderful."

Little Miss Maisy; Deleted ScenesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora