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"Hey, pumpkin." Sawyer carefully made her way over to Maisy, holding the skirt of her white dress up from the rich earth beneath their feet.

After all the dancing, her heels were quickly abandoned.

Much to Sawyer's alarm, Maisy had wandered away from the large crowd of people towards the pond. But she was only curiously watching the liquid glass surface, adoring the reflection of the city against the water.

"What're you doing down here?" Sawyer carefully crouched beside the little girl, moving her curls from her face. "Everyone's looking for my precious flower girl."

"Nothing," Maisy's answer was bland, too bland for the fascination in her eyes.

For just a moment, the bride thought Maisy was sad about something. But then, following her gaze to the lush grass, Sawyer realized what she was so intrigued in.

Tiny twinkling lights were scattered all throughout the green blades below them. Little lightning bugs, creating their own little party lights.

"They're called fireflies," Sawyer explained, lowering her hand down to let one crawl along her hand, right beside her new wedding ring.

Maisy's eyes pooled with wonder as she watched it slowly crawl to Sawyer's wrist, still blinking in a small pattern. "S' so pwetty!"

"It certainly is," Sawyer smiled, watching Maisy's completely awestruck reaction to the little insect.

"You know," She continued. "You lit up the room today too, kiddo. You did a very good job, I'm really proud."

She kissed the top of Maisy's head, glad to know she was even present. There wasn't much of a chance to mingle this morning, with all of the pre-wedding chaos.

Flattered, yet not quite sure how to react, Maisy sheepishly did a tiny little sway with her dress. "Thank you,"

Sawyer took Maisy's hand in hers, allowing the blinking creature to venture onto Maisy's hand instead.

She watched Maisy's face with a smile of her own, not being able to help the sense of adoration and pride she felt towards this little girl.

However, her moment was cut short by a loud gasp. Snapping out of it, Sawyer began to do a quick eye scan to see if something happened. Like a true aunt. "What's wrong?"

But instead of muttering even a word, Maisy only pointed to the bottom of Sawyer's dress. The bugs seemed to be drawn to the gown, dozens of them sprinkled over the fabric.

Each sparkled as bright as can be, making the day seem truly magical.

Little Miss Maisy; Deleted ScenesWhere stories live. Discover now