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More Pool Adventures


"Eric," Maisy tugged at the bottom of his swim trunks, nearly yanking them down in the public pool.

"Jesus-" He scowled at the young girl for almost humiliating her, quick to swat her hand away. "-What do you want?"

"I have to go potty," She innocently said up at him, not even batting an eyelash at his annoyed grimace.

"Look around," Eric, though, was not amused with her. He vaguely gestured around the pool, not concerned. "You're in a pool. Go nuts."

Maisy's nose wrinkled in disgust at the very idea of doing such a thing. So with a little more urgency, she grabbed his hand to pull on while shaking her head. "No! That's icky,"

"Mais, you're a kid in a giant pool." Eric waved his hand towards the playground of the outdoor water park because they were sitting in the shallow end he isn't that concerned. "Go pop a squat, then keep playing."

"No," Maisy insisted, refusing Eric's ludicrous suggestion and continued to pull on his arm. "I don't wanna have an accident."

"Maisy, you're in a pool," Eric tried to reason with her. Mainly because it's a long walk, especially since their towels are in the opposite direction. "It's not an accident if you're in a pool."

"I don't care," She huffed, stubbornly crossing her arms over her chest. A small pout formed on her lips, deciding to pull the 'fit' card.

Eric looked up to the sky to gather enough patience to deal with this child. Then he took a sharp inhale before giving in. No matter how stupid he thought it was. "Fine."

Maisy's pout faded into a satisfied smile and she grasped his hand again, so he could walk her to the building with the indoor pool and the bathrooms.

As soon as they got out of the water, Maisy looked up at him again. "M' cold."


"I want my towel," Maisy stared at Eric, knowing her colorful towel was in the opposite direction. A nice dry towel to get the chlorine water off of her.

"You're going to be the death of me," Eric groaned, pulling her hand in the other direction. Speed walking along the hot pavement in an attempt to make the trip faster.

"That's not funny," Maisy glared up at him, stopping in her tracks to cross her arms again.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry." He gave a half-assed apology, trying to keep her walking so this wouldn't end horribly. "Hurry up so you don't piss yourself."

When he looked back down, he realized she hadn't budged. Nope. She was still standing her ground, arms crossed.

"Maisy, let's go-" Eric nodded toward their chairs in the distance he could see them. Beau and Cassidy were just lounging, guarding their towels. They're so close.


Eric glanced back over at the chairs, wishing someone from their family would spot them and come help.

Little Miss Maisy; Deleted ScenesWhere stories live. Discover now