That's messed up -E.O

Começar do início

She was a bit nervous. She wants to make a good impression, but at the same time, she knows their opinion won't change the relationship she and Lizzie are in. 

They are endgame.

They have been together for over a year and both know that they want to spend the rest of their lives together. So that kind of calms her racing heart. 

No matter how tonight's meeting goes, she will still be with Lizzie.

Sure, it would be nice to have their approval, but at the end of the day, she knows she can't please everybody. 

When she was done she quickly got into her car and drove to the restaurant they were meeting at. She didn't have time to change from her black polo shirt and black trousers so she hoped it was good enough attire to meet everyone. 

Emma arrived at the location soon enough. She gathered her courage and then left the parking space. She also sent a quick text to Lizzie telling her that she arrived, but her girlfriend must've been too preoccupied with conversations 'cause she didn't respond.

So Emma was left to take a big breath and step into the restaurant. Upon scanning the place once, she saw Lizzie. The blonde was very invested in a discussion she was having with another blonde on her left. 

Without giving it much of a thought, Emma started walking in their direction. She smiled when she saw that Lizzie saved her a seat right next to her. 

When she was close, Lizzie turned her head and saw her girlfriend. A smile instantly made its way to her face.

"Hey, baby. You made it!" Lizzie bounces on her seat.

"Hi." Emma says in a small voice, suddenly intimidated by all the attention on her. "Hi, everybody!" She waved and sat down quickly, next to Lizzie.

"Everybody, this is my girlfriend, Emma. Emma, those are my friends." Lizzie was quick to introduce them. 

The others greeted her.

"You came straight from work, didn't you?" Lizzie asks while looking at her outfit.

"Yeah, I didn't have much time to go and change." Emma nodded and shifted a bit closer to her girlfriend.

"What is your job?" Scarlett asks while analyzing her.

"Oh, I bartended tonight. At one of the Caste's clubs." Emma left it at that.

"I got you some water, babe. But I didn't know what you wanted to eat." Lizzie captured Emma's attention once again.

With her attention somewhere else, she didn't see Lizzie's friend frown at her response. They didn't like that their friend was dating someone who was bartending at some club. 

Was she with Lizzie for her money? Was a question that traveled in their heads.

"Oh, thank you. I think I will have some pasta." Emma responded easily before sipping on her water. 

Lizzie's friends started asking questions about her and their relationship pretty soon. Most of them were wary of Emma but tried not to let it show. 

"No, we are not much of gifters." Lizzie shook her head. "We only give each other flowers." She responded to their question. "Right, babe?" 

"Yeah. Plus, I don't really like gifts." That was not interpreted well by Lizzie's friends. "I feel like flowers show affection much better than some random gift. They are more beautiful as well." 

"Exactly. I love receiving flowers way better than some meaningless gift. I know that she puts thoughts and love into each flower she gives me." Lizzie turned and gave her girlfriend a sweet smile.

Lizzie & Wanda One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora