Just Draw A Butterfly

Start from the beginning

Kai couldn't figure out which sensation to focus on. The feeling of her pressing her body against him was exhilarating, her magic flowing through him was boarder-line euphoric, and the feeling of her quickened breath against his neck was only heightening his response to the other senses. As Kai's breath began to shorten into pants, he rested his head on her shoulder, anchoring himself. 

After a moment, Kai regained touch in reality and snapped out of his ecstasy. He then removed his hands from her forearms long enough to reattach them to the clothed areas on her upper arms. He then lowered his head to press a soft kiss to the lower parts of her neck before sliding out of the almost hug like position they had fallen into.

Lexi quickly removed her hands which had somehow found their way to his chest and leant back. Before either of them could speak, Lexi jerked out of Kai's hold and collapsed in a nearby seat. She then pulled her legs into her chest as she tried to apply pressure to her upper leg.

"Lex, what's wrong?" Kai asked as he instantly came to her side, "I swear I didn't mean to hurt you. I- I'm so sorry. How- What- can I do anything? Just say something." Kai blurted out frantically. Lexi grimaced as she tried to apply pressure to the area just below her hip on her leg where there was a sudden burning pain.

After everything calmed down and the pain ceased, Lexi slid down her pants enough to view the area.

"Now hardly seems like the time-" Kai said but was cut off by Lexi glaring at him. Not wanting to upset her, Kai silenced himself instantly and tried to figure out if it would be okay for him to look or not whilst she continued to pull down one side of her waistband. Once the area was in view, a small butterfly tattoo was present on the join between her leg and body.

Lexi took in a sharp breath as she ran her thumb over the mark. She had forgotten what a pain in the ass soul marks were but wow they were beautiful.

 She had forgotten what a pain in the ass soul marks were but wow they were beautiful

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"I'm going to go ahead and assume that wasn't there before." Kai said as he stared at the mark.

"You'd be correct"

"Can-" Kai started but quickly cut himself off, his eyes flickering between the mark and random places around the room. Lexi cupped his face with her hands, forcing him to meet her eyes as she looked at him reassuringly. "Can I touch it?" Kai asked softly. Lexi nodded at his request. 

How the hell are Kai and Kol so similar yet so different?


"You are wandering around like a crazy man, why?" Damon asked as he, Bonnie and Lexi followed Kai around. After activating the bond, Kai remembered that they were leaving soon and went to pack. Lexi then gathered the items she wished to bring back to the real world and re-entered the centre part of the mansion where Damon was already waiting. After they all regrouped, Kai said to follow him... because that is not suspicious. Now, they were following Kai around the backyard whilst he looked at the sun through the ascendant.

"I'm looking for the exact right spot." Kai said, adjusting the ascendant, "We need to find where the power of the eclipse is focused.

"You know you could've just shown us the ascendant to begin with." Lexi said as they followed him.

"Yeah but I wanted to feel your hand on my chest." Kai flirted.

"I can't wait to see how your soulmates react to him if they thought Enzo was bad." Damon said. Kai's ears instantly tuned in at Damon's words. Soulmates. Destined to be with someone. That's exactly how it felt. Kai supressed the thought quickly and returned his attention to the ascendant.

"I can't wait to get out of here and talk to somebody else." Bonnie declared as she turned to Damon.

I am not going to miss that.

"Can't we just have a few lasting seconds of peace while this idiot uses that thing to align the stars?" Damon said. Whilst Damon was speaking, Bonnie noticed one of the paper planes Damon and Lexi had been throwing, picked it up and began unfolding it. "Hey." Damon said as he approached Kai, "What's up with the nature walk?"

"I am using the ascendant to figure out where we need to be standing during the eclipse." Kai said as they continued walking down the driveway of the Salvatore Mansion.

"Great." Damon said, "Let's do some magic, get the hell of of here."

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