chapter seventy five

Start from the beginning

Chenle side eyes Jeno in annoyance. "You're about to find out."

The pinkette looks around, his eyes immediately landing on the familiar male, who's looking just like he thought as he sits on the seat and munches on a corn dog.

As they approach, Renjun spots Chenle. His eyes light up as he rushes to his find. "Lele!"


The two rush at each other and collide into a hug. Renjun shifts then from side to side, feeling so happy to finally see his friend.

"How many friends do you have that I don't know about?"

Right, Chenle thinks as he pulls away from Renjun and gives a sheepish look to his boyfriend.

"Well, technically, you do know about him... This is Renjun."

"Hi!" Renjun waves, smiling brightly.

It's then that the group can see him fully and take in his casual outfit, consisting of a t-shirt with a chain around his neck under a red and white flannel, blue denim jeans, and white sneakers, and a white baseball cap adorning his head.

But that's not all they're focused on.

"Is it just me or is he really pretty?" Jeno asks quietly and gets three nods in agreement.

"Wait, look at Jisung", Haechan says, pointing to his best friend, who, as usual, is the only one showing no reaction. "I swear someone could probably strip in front of him and he'd still be like that."

Jeno snorts. "Unless it's Lele." .

"Are you guys done?" Jisung asks with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Admit Renjun is pretty", Jeno says and then his eyes widen."Wow, I didn't even plan to say that."

Renjun chuckles. "I appreciate the compliment. And I'm gonna be honest, I already know all your names. I just wanted to meet all five of you in person."

"We've been wanting to meet you too", Mark tells him.

"Nice to meet you", Jaemin says, smiling politely.

"Oh, yeah, nice to meet you too", Haechan says. "Sorry, I'm kinda shit at manners. I'm working on it."

"It's fine." Renjun turns to Jisung."Nice to officially meet you."

"Same here."

Chenle nudges his boyfriend harshly. "Jisung!"


"What did I say about being nice? You're making this weird and then everyone, including Renjun, is gonna be uncomfortable."

Renjun laughs at the two bickering. "It doesn't have to be awkward. I think you can relax, Chenle."

Just to ease himself, Jisung gestures to Chenle and asks,"You don't like him, right?"

"Is it gonna make either of you uncomfortable if I'm brutally honest about what I think of him?"

"It's up to Chenle."

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