stiles stuck his hand up,  a pissed look on his face.

derek growled

"um. your plans plain dumb- just saying"
stiles replied nonchalantly

"and i don't suppose you have a better one"
derek snarled

"glad you asked. yes. i do have a better plan BUT i'll only tell you if you explain what the fuck your in that building to do, who you are and why you can't just let me go in my merry way... or are you still buthurt over the watch?"

derek could smash stiles skull in right now but he knew deep down he never would. he could though, he could.

liam rose to defend derek or maybe attack stiles, unclear which one.  but derek waved him off.

"fine. we're in that building to steal a shit ton of money and some very illegal substances the man we're stealing from should not have in his possession the man in question is ruthless and cruel, he's done some bad shit. we're all in the hale mafia and we can't let you go because you know way too much and, weather you care or not you could actually be pretty useful if you tried. i want my watch back but that can wait. so... what's your plan"

stiles stared at him, he was slightly concerned about the mafia part, scratch that... fucking terrified. but he had to play it cool he reminded himself, escape when the time is right.  he needed to prove he could be useful, that way he could save his head.
stiles cleared his throat dramatically

"first off, too many people on the roof- quality over quantity- take two of your best 'pets' to infiltrate. secondly, don't put them on first, if they get seen or trip off any alarms your whole scheme goes to fuck. hack the system from the outside, lower chance of being found. you don't need two people to hack either, if you want a distraction give a good, specific one. saying 'make a distraction' is too vague. you need a large distraction: set up a meeting, send people this guy doesn't know out of your group, you need to meticulously plan these things."

stiles took in a breath of air.

"get a lay out of the building, where the meetings will be, the roof and floors, everything. set a time for the distractions to leave. they cannot be there when people realise you have stolen shit or your guys will be held there. oh and if someone fucks up keep moving at the same pace i guarantee any ideas on the spot are destined not to work. oh and get more curly fries while your out please"

all of them stared dumbstruck at stiles. stiles chewed on more of his chips.

scott blinked. he turned to derek
"would that work? could we get a fake meeting with cruncher?"

stiles laughed, what type of a name was cruncher?

"in theory but we can't hack from outside the building, there's too many firewalls to do it wirelessly"

stiles scoffed.  derek looked at him
"what you got another brilliant idea?"

"yes. but you're joking right? a couple fire walls are stopping a mafia? jesus christ have mercy. look if i'm stuck here i might aswell teach isaac the basics for hacking. if you're so desperate you need me then i'll help"

derek clenched his teeth together. there was a big reward for crunchers head and as much as the sour wolf didn't want to admit it. they needed a strong hacker

"don't bother with isaac, if your a good hacker like you seem to think you are. hack it yourself."
stiles seemed to think for a moment, he swallowed a mouth of fries before nodding.

"alright where's a computer or yknow even a phone"

derek motioned for scott to give stiles his phone, scott fished it out, unlocked it and handed it over.

"don't even think of calling the-"

stiles waved him off. "yeah yeah don't call the police or you will eat me or something"

stiles asked for the adress and other pieces of information before going deathly quiet. a few minutes passed with only the clicking of the phone keyboard.

"if you aren't good enough-"
derek couldn't finish because stiles shushed him. another few minutes passed and no one moved an inch. stiles gave a final press and beamed at the group in front of him.

"done and i put it on an app so you guys can access it easily when needed. you're welcome oh and i'm gonna go sleep so.... bye"

stiles moved towards the door but boyd soon blocked it. stiles grumbled a little and tried to move him. no luck

"stiles. before you go, care to explain why yesterday your eyes turned purple?"

stiles looked at derek incredulously
"that never happened okay? i'm not some mythical creature it was probably the trick of the light or some shit"

"or. you really are something. tell me, are you oddly good at slinking off into shadows? can you easily get out of sticky situations or... for instance.... have you ever jumped out a window and landed without hurting yourself when someone the same age as you didn't and fell on his face"

stiles scoffed
"you need to lay off whatever drug you have pumping through your body. i'm just good at parkour"



"do you know what werewolves are?"

idk why this story isn't doing well ):

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