"I do apologize Miss Riverdale, I had no intention of saying something that would hurt you. I am dearly sorry" Eloise began rambling which made me chuckle

"It's okay Miss Bridgerton, my mama passed away a few years ago and so did my father. You see it was my Grandparents who helped me get here. And please do call me Addison" I said now getting the attention of the two elder ladies standing before us

"Addison" Eloise said with a graceful smile. As a gentleman said "Attention all debutantes, please form a line in the numbers which you are given. They began to hand out numbers on a sheet to the mothers of the debutantes. Lady Danbury got my number and apparently mine was 12. 

"11 mama? Are you telling me I would have to walk down that treacherous isle sooner rather than later" Eloise said 

"Eloise! Mind your manners young lady" Lady Bridgerton exclaimed pulling her in line 

"Are you alright, child?" Lady Danbury asked in a concerning tone

"I am okay" I said honestly 

"You haven't told me that your parents had both passed away." She said 

"I haven't really talked about it much, my sisters are both married and so is my brother. I decided to take a trip to the Americas doing some research. Then I reached out to my grandfather for something, and somehow I ended up here" I told her, leaving out as much details as possible. 

"Your siblings? I was under the impression that you were the only child" She said as the gentleman in the tailored white suite began calling off names 

"I was not expecting to be here as long as I stayed Lady Danbury, I truly thought I would have awaken from this reality by now" I said only so she could hear 

"You know, sooner or later you would have to tell me the truth. You sometimes speak as if you are from a different era." She chuckled making me do so as well 

"I think I forgot how to walk" I said frantically looking up at Lady D

"Remember Miss Riverdale... breathe in, breathe out, stand tall, and as you like to say 'STRUT YOUR STUFF!" She said lightening the mood 

"Miss Eloise Bridgerton" I heard now forgetting my own fears and looking up at my new friend who looked at if she would pass out at any given moment. 

"I hope Eloise is alright out there" I said just as I heard whispers and gasps among the quietness. 

A few moments later I heard "That's it, I've seen enough" I heard a voice speak in authority who I assume belongs to the Queen herself, and seconds later I seen Eloise appear back through the doors and dashed in the washroom. Lady D strolled over to Lady B as did I. 

"I'll go check on Eloise" I said looking through the door to see the ton of people and the Queen neck deep in some news articles. 

"I would really appreciate that, my darling" Lady Bridgerton said looking down at me. 

I quickly dashed to the ladies room and I entered and locked the door behind me. "Eloise?" I said looking at her bend over the hand basin. She quickly looked up and hugged me dearly. 

"Ugh Addison, I thank you for being here. She saved the day" Eloise grinned eagerly

"Who did?" I asked 

"Lady Whistledown... The fundamental source of all rumors is Lady Whistledown, her opinions have the power to shape people's perceptions of current social events. Today, she surely came through when I needed her most" Eloise clapped excitedly. 

"Sounds like the person I would like to meet, all the while staring clear of her" I chuckled 

"Well, you are sounding too much like Penelope. Although she is my favorite friend, she doesn't think of unmasking Lady Whistledown, well at least not the way I want to" She sighed and I can tell she's a bit disappointed. 

"Miss Eloise, come on... besides I said I would want to steer clear of her. Now helping you unmask her. I'm all up for it" I smiled pulling her out of the washroom. 

When we got back to the elder ladies, I saw a few more people gather around them. This was my turn to grow nervous, I haven't been around people except the ones around my new/ temporary home.

"They are my siblings, with the exception of my elder brothers." Eloise nudged me 

"Eloise-" One of her sisters started as she cut her off 

"No, Daphne please don't start with the comments." Eloise said as her sister furrowed her eyebrows and sighed in defeat. 

"I was only going to say that you're still a diamond" Daphne said looking at her sister with sincerity "You must be Addison, it's sad that I didn't get to see you walk down the aisle as well. And you look as beautiful as ever. My name is Daphne Basset." She said extending her hand towards me 

"Addison... Addison Riverdale" I smiled

We all stood talking for a little longer before we all decided to part ways.


 Lady Danbury was telling me that she had spoken to the Queen and I would make my next debut at the Queens ball. She truly has my best interest at heart and I love how I get to have a huge decision in everything and her reasoning is, "This is your time and I want your experience to be one you'll never forget. After all I wouldn't mind attending a wedding again this season" 

I don't know if I want to get married, not because of my age but the fact that I know I'm not from here. Not this time period at least. 

The Viscount and The Traveler|| Anthony BridgertonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz