Colton instantly scowls. "And?"

"We shouldn't kiss in front of him." I whisper shyly.

"He's not a fucking kid. It's not like we'll ruin his innocence. Give me a damn kiss, Lily." He demands sternly, and no matter how many times I try to convince myself not to get this affected by him being strict with me, I fail. I find him unbelievably sexy when he does that.

So instead of arguing, I step on my toes and kiss Colton like he wants me too. His lips feel even better that they did this afternoon, and I wonder if that's because I truly missed them. He kisses me as if he can't have enough and I have to pull back to catch my breath.

"Best fucking feeling in this world." Colton mumbles with a content smile, satisfied with himself and with me. I grin with a blush, because I can't argue with that.

Stepping away, he pulls a key out of his pocket and drops it in my hand. "I have to get going, but I'll be back soon."

"I thought we were going on a date." I frown, worried that he might have decided to cancel on me as I eye the key in my palm. "And what's that?"

"We are, baby. I just have to go a little early to... prepare some things, and I'll be back to pick you up." He pulls my hand that has the key in it to his lips and drops a kiss. "That is a key to my apartment. You have an hour to change and get ready."

His eyes widen in alert, and he quickly shakes his head. "Not that you need to. You look fucking beautiful right now, but I'm only saying in case you want to change or anything, now you can. You remember the passcode, correct?"

"I do!" Liam yells proudly and Colton rolls his eyes at him before focusing back on me.

Staring at him, I nod my head. Colton just gave me a key to his apartment. Only Dave and Liam know the passcode to his home, yet he made sure to tell me last night before we walked inside. Only Dave and Liam have keys to Colton's apartment, because I know he trusts them that much. They're the closest thing he has to family. And now he has given me a copy and wants me to use it. He has put his trust in me too.

My heart swells inside my chest in a type of happiness I cant explain or describe. Because Colton considers me a part of his family too and I've never felt so loved before. This means more to me than he'd ever know.

"Liam," I call, my eyes never leaving Colton's and I know he can see the change in mine because his darken visibly before me. "Turn around."

"Why the hell do you want me to turn around?" He asks in confusion. "Are you gonna take your clothes off?"

Colton groans deeply, his eyes snapping to Liam with a deadly glare. "She's gonna kiss me, so turn the fuck around before I make you."

"I don't want to watch my parents make out!" Liam shudders visibly as he gets off his chair and walks into the small room behind the counter. A small giggle escapes me but Colton swallows the rest of it. I don't waste a second before I jump, wrapping my legs around his torso and securing my arms around his neck as I kiss him deeper than I did this afternoon. I caress his tongue with mine and I suck on his bottom lip. I even bite his lips a little. I do everything I feel like doing to him and he low groan escapes him.

His hands travel from my waist to my ass and when he squeezes it with both his palms I moan against him. Colton takes a couple of steps forward and sits me on the counter, his hands now massaging my thighs and I gasp when I feel his lips leave mine to taste my neck. "You're so fucking perfect, Lily."

"Now that's something you don't see everyday." Leo's sarcastic voice bursts the bubble Colton and I are in and I freeze.

Colton groans in what sounds like pain as he steps back to quickly push my legs together and pull the skirt of my dress as far down as it can go. Resting his forehead on my shoulder, he sighs in defeat. "Keep fucking walking."

Colton's Miracle ✔️Where stories live. Discover now