Chapter 10

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Days passed and, thanks to Taehyun help, y/n was slowly starting to feel better in her own skin. Taehyun would spend every night with her as he knew she was now afraid to stay alone in the dark, then when morning came they would go together to his camp. Taehyun's father didn't mind the absence of his son at night, since he believed that he was having his moment with his girlfriend.

That morning was no different, the two were getting ready for the day. But things definitely developed differently, as a matter of fact a knight from y/n's reign arrived right in front of her tent.

Knock knock

Y/n was already nervous when she heard the sound, she feared that something bad might happen to her. Therefore Taehyun spoke on her behalf

"Who is it?"

"I'm a knight from Incheon, I have a message to give. Is this the tent of the colonel?"

Taehyun gave y/n a glare as he decided to pretend to be the colonel

"Yes it's me, wait a bit and I'll come outside"

Y/n was on the verge of the tears from the stress of the situation. Taehyun gave her a comforting look and went out, after all their faces were not known outside of their reigns.

"What is the message?"

"I'm very sorry to inform you that our king has died yesterday night, as far as I know the heir, his daugter, should be here helping the nurses. I'm appointing you the task to inform everyone. Now I have to go, things at the palace are getting crazy"

Taehyun remained a little bit frozen even when the knight was already out of his sight, but when he entered the tent he found y/n in a state he wished to never see again.

"Ehi y/n stand up" the boy spoke softly as he helped her up

Y/n was furiously crying, she started regretting her decision of coming here as she didn't spend a last moment with her father. She began sobbing so hard that she was breathless.

"Shhhh I'm here, let it all out" spoke softly Taehyun as he hugged her while bringing her head to his chest

They remained like that for a long time and y/n couldn't be more thankful to have found someone like him. She couldn't even image having to go through all of this alone.

They decided not to spread the message, since it could lead to a soldiers' revolt. But y/n was curious about something

"Why are you doing this for me? The information that you have could help your troops gain the lead. At the end of the games we're enemies"

"Because I care for you y/n. I don't give a damn about this stupid war, I didn't even want it to begin with. But I care for you wellbeing and I wouldn't do anything that might hurt you"

Y/n was now even more sure that what she was feeling for Taehyun was love. There was no turning back, she couldn't deny her feelings anymore

"Thank you Taehyun, finding you amidst this chaos was like a miracle sent to me"

"If we have to be precise I was the one that found you" he said with a grin that made y/n laugh.

Days passed and y/n lived with an unbearable load of stress and pain due to all recent events. Luckiky she could always count on Taehyun, he was always with her whenever he had some free time.

As a matter of fact that night he was in the tent with her, spending the little moment of the day he looked forward the most. He felt extremely confident that he even put his arm around y/n's shoulder while they were talking. The girl stiffened at first but she soon relaxed as she felt safe in his arms.
However all this situation made y/n blush a little, her heart was beating faster too. Taehyun smiled while looking with affection at the flushed girl and he moved behind her ear one of her hair.

"I like you"

What? Was y/n suddenly imagining things?

"Ummm what did you say?"

"I said that I like you y/n" Taehyun repeated with a calm tone

Y/n couldn't believe her ears, the boy she liked just confessed to her. She felt as if she was dreaming.

"I actually like you too" almost whispered y/n with her cheeks as red as a tomato

As she looked at Taehyun he found him with the most endearing gaze she's ever seen on anyone. The two got lost in each other's gazes, untill Taehyun decided to move forward and kiss y/n.

It was a short and sweet kiss, when they separated y/n's heart felt like it was going to burst out of happiness. They soon reconnected and shared longer and more passionate kisses.

Those kisses contained all the love they had for each other, all the affection that grew in those months together, all the emotions they shared along this journey.

The kisses slowly became hungrier and more heated, and they ended up making love that night.
Their skins together, their synchronized breaths, their pounding hearts. Everything felt right in that moment and they shared indescribable emotions that were kept hidden for a long time.

Author's note
Please leave a like and a comment to motivate me. I appreciate it very much when you give me a feedback. Let me know how did you like this chapter. If you have friends that like txt please recommend them this story, so that it can reach more people!!!
See you soon🤍🤍

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