Chapter 7

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Y/n was woken up by a sweet voice singing a nice and relaxing melody. She opened her eyes and she didn't recognize the place she was at. She rubbed her eyes a bit and she suddenly saw a shirtless singing Taehyun in front of the mirror.

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt? Where am I?" She began questioning feeling uncomfortable all of a sudden

"Oh goodmorning princess, I hope you got a good sleep"

"That's not the point Taehyun, why am I here?"

"Have you already forgotten? Now you are my fake girlfriend, at least in front of my father and my team"

Memories from last night started floading her mind and she was feeling, once again, extremely anxious. Not to mention the embarassment due to the lack of clothes on the boy.

"I don't think I can do this Taehyun" y/n spoke with a soft tone, almost as if she was crying

"Ehi, we'll get through it. I know you're much stronger than this, you were literally battling out there till not so long ago!" Taehyun answered almost shouting the ending part

"You sing very well by the way" y/n uttered, after a moment of silence, remembering what she heard as soon as she woke up.

She felt warm in her heart and she looked at the boy with a thankful stare as he looked at her with a gaze that contained indescifrable emotions. As y/n was absorbed in her thoughts a man came to the tent to inform them that breakfast was ready.

"Let's go y/n I don't want to make my father wait"

Y/n gathered all of her courage and she prepared herself to face all those men that were, in fact, enemies for her. This could however help her with the battle too at some point.

The two walked across the camp and they arrived in a big tent full of people that were eagerly eating. They sat at the main table with the king and a lot of other important figures of the reing.

"My man, it is my pleasure to introduce you to my son's girlfriend" the king started "as you can see she is indeed very beatiful, not that I was expecting anything less from Taehyun" he finished saying and they all started laughing.

Y/n was feeling very out of place as random men started making malicious comments about her appearance.

"Hey! I didn't give you the right to speak like that about my girl, now shut the fuck up and resume eating" Taehyun uttered as he sent you a reassuring smile.

Y/n wouldn't admit it but her heart skipped a beat and she began to blush a bit.
After that little moment the two began eating side by side, but their peace was soon to be disturbed.

"So how did you two met each other anyway?" One of the soldiers asked

Y/n widened her eyes as they didn't agree on a fake story for their meeting.

"I met her when father threw that party 3 months ago, she's the daughter of a noble family from Daegu and she now lives in our reign after the merging"

Taehyun built a perfect lie, in fact few months ago the reign of Daegu and Seoul were united and many people transferred to Seoul from Daegu to live in a more developed kingdom.

"Oh I see, you're one of those people y/n" commented the king

"Yes sir, I'm satisfied with my life in your reign" y/n asnwered with a smile, but she was actually feeling an unbearable pain inside thinking about her real home

"She's gorgeous and she has noble origins, what more can I ask for?" Spoke the king happily to his soldiers

"Nothing father, I know I chose the right one" everyone started screaming at Taehyun's response as it was very cheesy. Y/n instead remained calm, she knew that the boy was just acting but at the same time she felt oddly pleased by his words.

As soon as breakfast ended y/n took her leave and she returned to her tent, after all she still had to guide her soldiers in the battle. She couldn't let her guard down with all the recent events.

When she came back to her tent at night after fighting, she found a letter placed on her bed. On the front she read "From TH" and she immediately understood who was sending it. The content was about her having to show at his camp for breakfast, he also wrote that she wasn't obliged to show up for dinner and that he would create a lie to protect her.

After reading the letter y/n felt once again a strange feeling, was she possibly starting to gain an interest in the boy that was supposed to be her enemy?

Author's note
Since I have finally finished my exames I will update more frequently. If you're reading this please leave a like and a comment. I would like to receive some feedback from you to understand if I should better something. Let me know how you like this story🤍🤍

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