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Aurora woke up in a way better mood than she expected, considering the horrid dream she had last night. In effect, the girl was smiling as soon as her eyelids flap open. The first thing she saw was the white ceiling above her head. A few seconds pass and she remembers the traumatising dream, and started asking herself why she was so happy.

Her head turns to the left and she notices a slight curve in the bed, which was clearly a human trace. The green-eyed human recalls the comfort Romeo has brought.

But the guy already woke up, so Aurora decides to do the same.

She slowly and tiredly placed both of her feet on the ground. A yawn escapes her mouth while she gets up.

They graze the soft carpet while she drags herself to the front door. Her dark room was illuminated thanks to the sun, which was peering through the dark green curtains of the room.

She turns her head and takes a look at all the decorations she had hung on the wall over the years, such as old drawings of stick figures or recent posters with pictures of her on vacation, with her parents, holding a knife-throwing trophy and many more. But the winner's personal favourite was definitely the picture placed right above her head when she sleeps. In other words, the photography of Ivy and her holding each other. It was taken a few weeks before the horrible accident that teared the family's heart away from each other.

Both of them were smiling, clueless of what the fate has reserved to them. The girls were holding an ice cream and in the background, the leaning tower of Pisa was shown under a beautiful and colourful sunset.

The eighteen year old Aurora looking at the photo sighs slightly and forces her gaze to come back to the door. She opens it in a sudden movement and manages to put her foot after the other one.

The endless staircase was now in front of her eyes, and with a small eye roll, she starts walking down. In a matter of seconds, her mood descended speedily, leaving her grumbling by herself while approaching step by step to the floor.

Her brain was hiding the dark thoughts trapped in her mind. It seemed like some drapes were covering them from the world ahead of her eyes. People saw her as someone smiling, happy, content with her life, while on the inside, she was just hoping for her death to approach soon. Everything seemed like an endless loop. She starts to feel better, something bad happens, she comes back to the mental state she had after Ivy's death.

She starts to feel better, something bad happens, she comes back to the mental state she had after Ivy's death.

She starts to feel better, something bad happens, she comes back to the mental state she had after Ivy's death.

Over and over again.

Aurora couldn't handle it anymore, she managed to contain her emotions in a bottled up jar inside her body, but the container was now full, at the point of overflowing, even.

She wanted someone's help, actually, she needed it. Some mental support, something that will make her forget about her life, something that will make her happy, even for just a second. But she seemed like an adventurer searching for something that doesn't exist.

She finally lands on the last step and a moment later, she was heading to the dining room.

Her body startled slightly at the view of her parents, Romeo and Mateo all sitting on a chair. The married couple were facing each other and it was the same for the two humans who hated one another. Mateo was glaring at the one who faced him, but the one receiving the mental stabs was poking his layered pancakes with a fork carelessly.

𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋Where stories live. Discover now