"I didn't mean to-" Hassen spoke feeling bad, "It's okay, but this is our first class it's almost over we got like 10 minutes left," Kierra said knocking on the classroom door.

Seeing that the teacher was coming to open the door Hassen got nervous, he didn't like talking to people, and it surprised him when he started talking to Kierra.

"Don't be nervous" Kierra leaned over whispering to Hassen walking into the classroom.

"Who might this be" Karen the teacher spoke looking at Hassen, "This Hassen, the new student," Kierra said lowly looking at the teacher sitting in her chair.

"This bitch knew he was coming, why is she acting dumb" Kierra's thoughts spoke, "Okay well Mr.Hassen you can sit at the desk right beside Kierra," Karen said pointing to the desk.

Hassen begin walking to his desk when the bell rang loudly, everybody in the classroom got up walking out the door.

Hassen waited for Kierra to stand up so she could show him where the next class was, while waiting on Kierra who was talking to the teacher about everything she missed a light-skinned girl with puffy hair walked up to Hassen smacking her gum.

"Hey I'm Ariel" she spoke looking at Hassen all Hassen did was stare at her.

"You ready" Kierra said coming up to the two, nodding his head the two walked out of the classroom leaving Ariel standing there.

"You shouldn't mess with that" Kierra said giving Hassen a warning, "I wasn't but why" He questioned.

"She's been fucking since she was 10 and now she has about 50 bodies" Kierra spoke "I'm just giving you a warning" she added.

"Yeah thank you, hell Nah" Hassen spoke with his face scrunched up, "What the fuck, 10 years old is crazy" He dragged out.

Kierra started laughing.

Hassen Amir Miller | 15 |
Past time/flashback
Highschool 10th-grade year

Walking into the kitchen he saw his dad, "How was your first day" His dad Lamont asked, "It was good" Hassen said looking in the pantry.

"I want you to meet some people today" Lamont spoke "And I'm going to teach you some tips" Lamont spoke getting off of the stool and walking into his office.

Hassen's dad Lamont was a gang leader, and he wanted his son to take over when the time comes Lamont knew his time was coming sooner than later and he wanted his son to be ready.

Hassen use to live with his mother, but his mother didn't want Hassen living with her anymore because of her new boyfriend. He didn't like Hassen living there, so his mother sent Hassen with his father.

"Ain't shit to eat in here," Hassen said closing the refrigerator.

Kierra Serenity Mays | 16 |
Past time/flashback
Summer before Highschool 11th-grade year

Kierra and Hassen became very close, best friends at that they tell each other everything.

"Hassen, I'm so bored" Kierra dragged looking at Hassen on the phone, "How about I'll pick you up and we can go shopping for school and shit," Hassen said ashing his blunt.

"Okay" Kierra replied finding something to wear, getting out some biker shorts and a graphic tee.

"What time are you coming to get me," Kierra asked without looking at her phone, "I'm on the way now" Hassen replied.

Right Person Wrong time (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now