"Lady Riverdale" Kyle said holding the door for me with a smile 

"Thank you Sir Kingsly" I chuckled 

When we got into the transportation, after everyone was settled, we all headed to our unknown destination. To top it off, we had a police escort. I mean the fact that Mrs. Grant's husband is the chief of police, so that part was probably easy. But I must admit, she has out done herself... especially for students who wanted nothing to do with the subject, not her class in particular. 

The whole ride Kyle and I were talking in English accents, which I must say comes somewhat natural to us because we are only allowed to read History with an accent. It was funny to us at first but since we were being graded on it, we started to accept it. I have a thick Caribbean accent, moving to the States for school it was a bit different speaking to people with my accent so I began to mimic how my friends spoke and so eventually the american accent came a bit natural. However the English accent is a bit tricky, since I would try to mimic people who are trying to mimic the accent themselves. 

An hour later, the carriage seemed to be stopping and I looked outside. It was a huge museum and the outside was very vintage looking. There were people with cameras and news reporters outside watching us as we all stood outside. 

"Everyone please group in pairs of two. Male and Female" Mrs. Grant announced as Kyle held my hand. 

"I love your dress" A lady said taking photos of Kyle and I 

"Thank you ma lady" I smiled and bowed

After the pictures had died down, we went inside the museum. The whole museum was decorated in an 18th century style and had lots of food from that time as well. We all began walking to different parts of the room looking around. The tour guide then came out and said "Welcome to the 18th century. I am your tour guide Mr. Marks, in order to get into the show room it would be a halfpenny per person. " 

"Students, listen carefully to Mr. Marks, and I would hope you all did as told and brought with you 18th century monies" Mrs. Grant said. 

"Thank goodness I contacted my grandfather" I said to Kyle

"Why is that ma lady?" Kyle asked 

"I knew he was a collector of historic things, I never knew why until I called him and asked about the money. He said he always kept it because he felt as though it would one day bring fortune to our family. But since nobody took interest in it he would always collect 18th century money for the sake of his father. He explained that our families came from far and how his father which is my deceased great-grand father felt as though the rich lifestyle wasn't for him." I shrugged 

"Let me find out you from royalty" Kyle chuckled 

"I wouldn't know" I laughed taking out two halfpennies "Here you go" I said giving him one

"Dang girl, you have a whole stack of money in that purse of yours" he said looking at the different bags of moneys 

"This isn't even half of it" I shrugged. "I think I'm gonna continue the hobby my grandfather had though" I told him 

"Makes sense" He said walking me over to the theater. 

As we approached Mr. Marks with our monies, he looked down at the monies and back up at us. "Are those real?" He whispered making me nod

"May I ask where you got those?" He asked voice still in a low tone

"My grandfather" I told him 

"You keep those, they are just another piece of REAL history in the building" He winked and I looked at Kyle in confusion as he shrugged 

When we went into the theater, we were all seated before the Opera began. The whole agenda was planned. After the singer, Mr. Marks went on stage, he began telling us about various landmarks where we could find signs of the 18th century all over the country and that there was an actual 18th century painting somewhere in the building but nobody knew which painting it is because nobody can hear the 'Ladies Singing the tale'  I chuckled knowing it was probably him trying to get us to pay more attention. 

"I will be right back Sir Kingsly, I will go find a washroom" I said to Kyle

"Don't take too long Lady Riverdale" He chuckled handing me my bag "Smuggle some food on the journey though" 

"A lady is no thief sir Kingsly" I whispered chuckling 

When I got back into the opened hall, I followed the long corridor until I found a washroom. When I was done, I went back to the hall where there were refreshments. Since nobody was around, I took a few pieces of cakes and cookies for Kyle and myself. On my way back I heard music playing. Figuring it was the theater, I paid it no mind. When I got close enough to hear Mr. Marks still talking, I decided to find where the music is coming from. The closer I got to the sound, it indeed was ladies singing a song I could not decipher. 

I know curiosity is what got the cat killed, but I found it. I found the painting and it wasn't in some hidden room or dungeon. It was the first painting in the museum. I must say it is hidden in plain sight. It is a painting of the museum but it appeared a bit larger. As I was admiring the painting, I leaned forward to touch the painting as a lady appeared. 

"Beautiful isn't it?" She smiled getting my attention

"It is indeed" I nodded "The song is beautiful as well" I said looking back at the painting 

"The song?" she asked "You must be one of them" She smiled

"One of who?" I asked

"The travelers" She said in a whisper

"Travelers?" I asked looking back at the lady, but to my surprise, she was no longer there. "Strange" I said as the singing got louder. Smiling in victory I touched the painting. 

"What the hell?" I said as I got dizzy and eventually collapsed in the empty foyer


The Viscount and The Traveler|| Anthony BridgertonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora