Chapter 21: Some Promises Are Made to be Broken

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Yeah, their no where near as happy in this chapter as they are in the fanart 😅

If you saw an update on this chapter, it's only for the part on Tommy and Tubbos fight with Ranboo, so scroll down to that

Tw: Blaming of actions on others, mentions of death, mentions of past death, mentions of bad mental health, crying, self blaming, basically a really heavy mental health chapter

The blanket cloaking Tommy's body provided a safe space in the apartment. Curled on his bed, Ranboo sitting across from him with Tubbo in their lap, it was the most comfort he could possibly be provided at the time.

Niki and Fundy had been led to the holding cell in the floor above by Bad and Skeppy, Karl off to report back to Schlatt, and Sapnap had disappeared as soon as they'd arrived back at the building, so as the door opened, there was only two people it could possibly be.

"Tommy," Came Dream's muffled, yet sympathetic voice as he entered the room with another set of footsteps, presumably George. The bed sagged beside him, the fabric being pulled down to his neck, the bright lights of the room being blocked out from Dream's head.

With a brief glance around the room, Tommy determined his guess to be accurate, George had come in with Dream. He almost scoffed at his brains stupidity that it would be anyone but George as the two followed each other around like lost puppies. The brunette in question was now running his hand's through Tubbo's hair, providing both he and Ranboo reassurance.

He'd been able to gain control of his emotions for the last hour he'd been curled here, but the moment he spotted the concerned expression present on Dream's face he broke once again. Tear gently slipped down his face and he covered it once again with the blanket, stuffing part of it in his mouth to hide his sobs.

His body was lifted and set into someone's lap; the blanket lifted once again to reveal his shaking body Dream hugging him close.

"This is all my fault," The blonde sobbed, pressing his face into Dream's shoulder, allowing his walls to break down. "If I had just killed that stupid civilian at initiation, no one would be dead right now!"

Ranboo, for obvious reasons, bristled, tensing enough for Tubbo to snap out of his dissociative state to look up at him with concern. "Well, that 'stupid civilian'," He used quotations around the words Tommy had called him. "Quite likes his life thank you very much, and they're glad you didn't."

Dream gave him a confused look at the passive aggressiveness in his voice.

Tubbo, taking in a shaky breath, looked between his two best friends before looking down at the tattered ram plushy in his hands. "He's right you know," He muttered, almost guiltily. "They wouldn't be dead if you were."

"Really?" Ranboo asked, chocking up slightly. "That's how you feel?"

"You don't get it Ranboo!" Tommy muttered. "You've never lost someone who saved you, nor been in such a way where you can't return home because your biological parents are shitty! You could leave anytime you wanted!"

Silence coated the room for a few moments, Ranboo looking at Tubbo, and then back at Tommy with shock, tears springing into his eyes. He stood, brushing away the liquid angrily. "I'm going to find Karl and Sapnap." He provided, a strained tint to his voice, ignoring the sad look Dream shot his way as he exited the room.

Dream adjusted the blonde body in his arms, allowing the sleepy boy to wrap his legs around his waist as he climbed down from the top bunk as carefully as he could. George followed his lead, scooping Tubbo up too.

"Should we go after him?" George asked softly, beginning to sift his hand through the brunette's locks.

Dream gave a shaken head in response, denying his request. "No, I think he just wants to be alone right now." He whispered, moving to the door with Tommy. "Let's take them to our bed, these ones aren't actually all that comfortable."

A scoff came from the lump in his arms, sleepily looking up at his friend. "You're telling me boss man."

The dirty blonde-haired man chuckled at his sarcasm, leading George into their bedroom, setting the boy down under the covers, crouching next to him as he began to fall asleep.

"It's not your fault you know," He murmured, watching Tommy's tired eye's begun to blink slower. "They both died at peace with their death, both of them had someone who loved them there."

Tommy hummed, staring at the carpet by the tallers feet. Dream brushed his hand through Tommy's hair as George tucked Tubbo, the short brunette already having fallen asleep, beside Tommy, Tubbo curling into Tommy's warmth happily.

"Remember that Toms." Dream whispered, passing him his spider plush, then slipping Tubbo his Ram, shutting off the lights and exiting the room with his best friend in tow.

The blonde shut the door carefully, before following his friend back to the younger trio's room, lost in thought. He couldn't tell how to help the three. Two of them had just lost the only decent family members they had, and the other was only a few months older than them and struggling to pick up the pieces of being plunged into an entirely new side of the world, while struggling to maintain his best friends mental health.

Methods piling in his mind, he didn't notice the obstacle in the way, and proceeded to bump into a person's back on accident. "Sorry," He apologised to his brunette friend in front of him.

Said man promptly spun around to sure the reasoning for his abrupt halt, opening his mouth to explain before spotting the lack of distance between the two. "Um," He began, cheeks softly flushing as Dream breathed calmly, air hitting his own mouth, before stepping away. "There's only one bed not currently being used." He mumbled, gesturing back to the room they stood in the doorway of. "We're gonna have to share, unless one of us wants to sleep on the floor."

'With a brief glance up to the blonde's eyes, George leaned closer, taking a quick breath before pressing their lips together, Dream kissing back after a beat.'

'"Do you remember anything from last night?"'

'"Not past you telling me we should head home. Why?"'

Dream faltered for a moment as unwanted memories filtered into his mind. "No," He spoke, earning a confused look from his friend. "I'll just sleep on one of the couch beds in the lounge room."

The expression on George's face didn't change as the blonde turned away, heading for the living room until a hand caught him and tugged him back. "Couch beds?" He questioned. "If we had those all along, why did you and I share a room?"

Dream's shoulder's tensed as he froze, realizing his slip. "They seemed uncomfortable, so I figured it wouldn't be a big deal if we shared a bed and a room. We share a house; it wouldn't be crazy different. I can move out here if you want!"

"It's fine." The other blurted out. "Uh- Our house is a lot larger than a 5 by 6 metre bedroom, but it's fine." He hesitated, knowing the other had just refused to share a bed with him in general. "Besides, I like sharing a be- uh room with you."

The taller simply nodded, turning to leave once again. The elder's face fell but reached for his friend and wrapped his arms around him. "Goodnight." He whispered, pressing his face into the others chest.

"Goodnight George." The blonde responded, allowing the comfort, and returning the hug. With a sparse boost of confidence as he felt his friend begin to pull away, he carefully pressed a kiss to the top of his curls, turning away and heading back for the living room, mildly confused why he had done that.

And more confused why it had felt so right.


Hehe DNF

For anyone curious, no Dream has still not figured out that he likes George. No, it will not happen for about (hold on, checking my notes) 6 chapters! WOO!

I got a (teasingly) angry message from my irl friend who reads this book, and told me to hurry up with the dnf stuff, because she just wants them to date already so at least one relationship is out of the way, and I told her how long it was going to take and she got annoyed and then I mentioned how long it's going to take for the Karlnap plot to even reach it's main arc, and I swear if we were in person, she would've beaten me up despite being much shorter than me.

Thoughts or Theories??? >>>>>>

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