Chapter 14: Traitor

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Tw: Disscussion of argument, apology from said argument, mistrust

Cool water from the sink taps washed over Tommy's skin as he cleaned his hands, the temperature a nice contrast to the heat the arcade emanated from the competitive air. He glanced up at the mirror in front of him just in time to see a pink-haired man enter the room, shoulders stiffening once identifying him.

He didn't understand why he always seemed to follow his actions, why this particular man seemed to be the one who found him. Even now, as he had just come to celebrate the success of the first mission with his friends, he had showed up.

Deciding to ignore his presence, he ducked his head continuing with the task he'd begun. The other didn't seem to notice his futile attempts ignored, walking up to him and standing beside him comfortably.

"Tommy." The man greeted, a simple nod of the head seeming sufficient enough.

"Go away Techno, I'm not part of that group anymore." Tommy hissed, swiftly drying his hands and turning to talk to him. He didn't bother trying to avoid him again, finding it to be more useful to just tell his brother to leave. "So I'm not going to take bribes to get back in, it won't work on me."

Surprisingly, this worked, the man nodding in response to his request. "I know." He replied, offering a gentle smile to the boy, inflicting an idea of emotion into his monotone words. "I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you for getting out of there. I don't know how you did it, but still."

Tommy, confusion laced onto his face, watching as he left the room, taking a few minutes to process their conversation before leaving himself.

'Why did he seem sad?'


Brown eyes met grey ones with a nod, as the arcade team entered the apartment with smiles on their faces and stuffed toys and lollies held tight.

Sapnap and Dream led the trio through the corridor, distracting the two youngest while Karl took Ranboo's arm and led him into his room. George joined them, shutting the door behind them quietly before turning to the heterochromatic boy.

His face portrayed one of terror, which seemed adequate to the situation; two superior and older men dragging you into their bedroom without warning. Karl sat on his own bed, George joining him as he ushering the boy to do the same on Sapnap's.

"Ranboo." Karl spoke, voice calm and prepared to explain their situation. George's was less so, anger still boiling from his argument not long before.

"Yes?" The boy responded with slight terror.

"When we left the SBI's base yesterday, we noticed, through the cameras, that Tommy had a talk to someone we believe to be Techno. What did they talk about?" George asked, thankfully able to keep emotion beyond kindness from his voice.

Confusion washed over Ranboo's face for a moment, the emotion quickly turning into anger as he realised what they were meaning, before becoming neutral once more. "Techno approached us as we left, and asked if it was really Tommy, because apparently someone told him he had been killed. He was then surprised to see him working against them, but yelled 'I love you' as we ran away." He responded coolly. "Is that all you need?"

Both brunettes nodded and allowed the blonde to stand to leave. Regret laced through George's thoughts as he realised that not only was Dream right, but both had gotten so angry at one another and he was now proven wrong.

The tall man hovered at the door, hand resting on the handle before he turned back making eye contact with both as he spoke. "It's disappointing you still can't trust him." And he left.

As the door shut, George threw his head into his hands in defeat, allowing himself to fall back onto the bed, doona engulfing him as he laid there.

"What's wrong?" Karl asked, watching the man's actions with quiet defeat. He wasn't sure why he had instantly suspected Tommy to be in the wrong, but now as it was proven it wasn't the case, he knew it had been obvious.

"I had a fight with Dream about this." George told him, words muffled by his palms. "And he was right."

He sat up and leaned into the other, who offered him a hug, arm wrapped around his shoulders. "Talk to him." Karl recommended, rubbing his finger up and down his friends shoulder in comfort.

George nodded, looking down at the floor for a moment longer before hiding his face again. "What if he hates me?" He pondered, hurt laced through his spoken thought.

Karl chuckled, prying his palms from his eyes and meeting his own with his friends. "George, with the way that man looks at you, there's no way he could ever genuinely hate you."


Warm bedsheets wrapped around George as he settled into bed, Dream following suit beside him. Their backs were turned to each other, both facing their side of the room.

Slight anger shone from the blonde behind him, and he shut his eyes tight, prepared to apologise. "I'm sorry." He finally uttered, words quiet but full of meaning all the same.

"Good." His friend murdered, words slurred with sleep. "Let's talk about it in the morning." The words thudded a sad ache in his heart, worry that his apology wouldn't be accepted settling in his stomach.

Nonetheless, he closed his eyes and curled in on himself, not letting the worry fully occupy his mind in that moment.


George awoke to warmth wrapped around his body comfortingly. A happy throb beat in his chest as he realised their were arms wrapped around him, arms belonging to his friend.

Gentle breaths brushed his ears, determining that the blonde was still asleep. He opened his eyes to see the faint wafts of sunlight making their way through the curtains, blinds failing to filter light.

He, carefully, shifted to face the other, examining his face as he completed the movement with ease, Dream showing no signs of waking. He sighed softly, a smile settling on his face as he tugged his hand through messy blonde hair, watching the sleeping man fondly. (Creepy much George?)

"I'm sorry," he murmured, placing a gentle kiss into his friends hair. " I should've trusted you, and Tommy, more."

Arms still wrapped around him tightened, a head moved up and green eyes connecting with his own. "You should've." A deep raspy voice coming from the man's mouth caused a red flush to come over his face. "But now, sleep."

A soft smile spread over pink lips as Dream pushed his head back into the brunettes chest, cuddling continuing. Following his own instructions, soft snores could be heard as Dream drifted to sleep, George following his lead not long after, content with the situation.


Yehhhhhh... so CairoCausesTrouble , 23Simona23 and LionQueen73 , remember when I said there was a 90% chance I would kill off Tommy? (yes, it was considered) I decided against it in favour of much worse angst later. Your welcome :D

This is now on ao3!!!!! It's under 'I Spy a Liar', so same name as before, my account being 'thatlesbianchick'. All the chapters already posted here are up there already, including this one, so if you prefer reading on ao3, you can :). It supplies no other benefits for reading it there besides if you want to, so feel no pressure to make an account and read it there.

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