Chapter 7: Sleep (Or More, Lack There of it)

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Tw: Mentions of food and food-related activities, implication of lack of eating, exhaustion, not sleeping, swearing

Dinner was a shared activity in the SBI Mission Team household, two to three people working together to cook per night, the roster for the activity mostly based on who was good at cooking (Bad, Dream and Ranboo) grouped with those who were not (Sapnap, Tommy, and Skeppy). An interest in the activity usually depended on who was better, those in middle ground of being bad or not mostly ordering food in on their nights to cook, an option not often rejected by the other members of the temporary household.

It usually consisted of chatter between the group, most getting to know each other better, the week they'd spent together not providing much time due to the consistent training they had to undergo. It was also the time of the day used to catch up on recent events, one everyone would notice if someone missed.

So when George, working all day with Karl on statistics and mapping consistency, told him he was heading out to dinner, Karl hesitated, knowing he would be questioned on his whereabouts during the meal. He could be honest with his answer, revealing he still had bucket loads of work to do for the upcoming mapping expedition, but people would hence forth worry, or try to help, and he believed that defeated the purpose of being a leader.

He'd already failed to lead a projected one, something that wasn't real and had no physical consequences afterwards, because he got distracted, but failing in real life would be fatal, and he would be beside himself if anything happened to the team on his account. So, he acknowledged his friends announcement and focused back on the work he was set out to do.

"I'll go out and get something in a bit." He told him, knowing that it wasn't the case and 'in a bit' realistically meant whenever he figured this out by himself.

George paused, unsure whether to leave the brunette to his own devices without nutrition, but ultimately decided against it, knowing he'd been in the windowless room for the majority of the day and craved human interactions, specifically with Dream, and left him to it.

Karl's pen scrawled out on the pages of his notebook, linking different events and dates, the little they knew about the head's schedules being incorporated into every plan. His goal was to smash the mission out in three to four segments, depending on how each one panned out in coordination with the next. The first two were mapping and camera sighting missions, designed to be when as many heads as they could get were out of the house, off doing deals, going to illegal auctions, things he wished they could arrest them for, the final one being where they killed said heads.

Karl would love to have a gun pointed at Phil's head and force him to admit every crime he's ever committed in front of his organisation, and then let them watch as their leader perished. It was a little brutal, to be honest with himself, but he felt it just of all their wrongdoings.

A brunettes head poked into the Technology Room where he worked, smiling at him softly. "Hey Karl!" Tubbo chirped, pleased to see his leader to be okay, worried something bad occurred when he didn't show to dinner. "I saw you weren't at dinner so I brought you some spaghetti salad Ranboo made."

Karl took the plate graciously, confused on how the tall man seemed to incorporate spaghetti into every meal he made. (Saw this in a fanfic, it's now canon in this story; Ranboo puts spaghetti in everything he makes)

"Thanks Tubbo." He smiled, setting down the open notebook and pen onto Dream's desk, about to start eating until he noticed Tubbo still lingering in the doorway, the sliding door beeping at him furiously to move. "Anything you need?" He asked, setting down the cutlery and beckoning the boy into the room to stop the noise and Tommy, who had begun too loudly complain.

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