Chapter 16: Follower

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I apologise for the late upload, I'm currently entering my assessment week/s so I have less time to write, and less motivation to focus. 


Tw: Mentions of food and meals, false of accusations of NSFW, jokes of death/suicide (Romeo and Juliet reference/roleplay), marriage 

A chuckle was released from Karl's lips as he spotted the tight hold his friends held each other in as he went to wake them up. A sharp knock on the door awoke dream, who gave him a sleepy glare for doing so, being replaced with sheepish surprise as he realised what position he was in.

"Karl," He hissed, knowing full well the implications of two people in the same bed, cuddling while clothes were coincidently laid out on the floor from the messiness of the two men. "Don't you dare."

The brunette shot a smirk his way, watching as George's eyes began to flutter, head settling closer into the blonde's chest, pink flush invading the blonde's face at the action. "Morning," He called in a high-pitched teasing voice, that caught Sapnap's attention, the man turning from where he stood, futilely trying to wake Tommy. He made his way to stand behind Karl, leaning an arm above the other's head on the door frame, smirking at the scene in front of him.

"Fuck and make up?" He asked, watching George's face turn red, head popping up to peer at the two in the doorway. He then glared at Dream, muttering about the expectability of him making things up to tell the raven haired before profusely shaking his head at them.

With a chuckle, the two left the room, shutting the door with yells and teasing of not wanting to see the two without clothes, the pair made their way out to the kitchen, where the rest of the team was gathered, Bad making pancakes while Tubbo tried to flip them while doing tricks.

The warmth of the stove filled the room to accompany the smell of the dish, condiments being heavily applied to Tommy's food while Ranboo ate his in silence, slipping his fork under his mask to continue hiding his face.

They both took a plate gratefully, merging with Tommy and Ranboo's conversation cheerfully, Dream and George joining them briefly after, colour still flushed over George's cheeks.

"So," Karl announced, swallowing a mouthful of pancake before he spoke, setting down the plate. "Findings from the mission yesterday. Techno appears to do nothing but play and win games at the arcade, so we'll go to another location tonight."

Eyebrows furrowed from the direction of the three youngest, Tubbo's head tilting as he set the frying pan back down on the stovetop, flipping attempts abandoned. "What do you mean, 'the mission yesterday?" Tubbo asked, still looking at him confusedly, Tommy joining him in that while knowing anger filled Ranboo's eyes.

With a brief glance at George, Karl responded. "Yesterday, when we went to the arcade, it was really just a mission to follow Technoblade to places he frequents and see what he does." Tension was released from Tommy's face, but Ranboo's shoulders were still held tightly.

"We didn't tell you because it would seem more normal if you didn't know. And you're not the greatest actors." George offered, spotting the tight stance the tallest held, and as it released at the explanation. Tubbo nodded at the reasoning, moving to take the burning pancake off the pan onto Tommy's pile, who gasped in mock offense at the accusation, slapping a hand to his chest harshly.

"How dare you!" He yelled in mock annoyance, a smile peeking his barely frowning lips. "I am a brilliant actor. Tubbo, come here." He instructed, the brunette making his way around the island to stand by his side. He gave a small salute once arriving, managing to keep emotion void of his face.

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