"Ah, I see..."

We stood in awkward silence for a moment, neither of us are very good at being social, unfortunately. Although I am usually able to distract others from that fact by doing something stupid or outrageous--or both, if I'm also trying to piss off England.

"So... how've you been?" I ask, trying to get some sort of friendly conversation going. A part of me still misses the ease of our old relationship--before it was ruined.

"Good... good, and you?" He looked just about anywhere but my face, looking just as uncomfortable as I felt.

"I'm good, busy, but, uh, good..." after a moment I was able to hear the footsteps of other nations on their way back, "Ope, sounds like the stampede's coming, we'd best find our seats."

Japan nodded and walked over to sit on the left side, near the head of the table, as I walked back to my place and stood behind my chair. Not planning on sitting down until everyone arrived, I get fidgety if I sit for too awful long. Though, I guess it wouldn't really matter if I randomly got up in the middle of the meeting, Germany might ask me to sit back down but, other than that, no one would really care.

Soon enough, everyone had entered and found their seats. Matthew stood next to me and we made friendly small talk before sitting down, our little siblings following suit. England sat back down next to me, this time not even sparing a glance in my direction. It hurt a little, I won't lie, but I've dealt with his on-and-off tantrums for years and I've learned to just ignore him as best as I can.

Germany called the meeting into session again and the shit show resumed. Another screaming match started maybe an hour and a half afterwards over a European conflict that ended centuries ago. Unlike last time, however, England got into a fist fight with France and a few nations cheered on the side of their choosing, including my twin brother.

"Will you knock it off?" I said as I noogied Matthew's head.

He stopped cheering on France for a moment to remove my hand from his head. "It doesn't matter, it's not like they even notice I'm doing it. Besides, it's kinda fun, definitely the most entertainment I've gotten out of these meetings in a while."

I sighed and let him continue as I turned back to the fight and allowed a look of boredom to slide over my signature smile.

Soon enough, I began to hear Germany's shouts at everyone as he tried to restore order to the meeting. A few moments went by and it was clear that either few could hear him, or most simply ignored him. The poor guy looked like his head was about to explode, so, after some internal debate, I decided to intervene.
I walked straight through the circle of nations that had formed and pulled England and France apart with little effort. England looked enraged while France just moved farther behind me. The noise still didn't stop.

"QUIET!" I yelled, allowing my voice to get much louder than I normally would around other nations. But I must've overdone it, judging by how the others immediately covered their ears, even the ones on the other side of the room.

"You little brat!" England shouted, "You can't just grab people like that! Haven't you ever heard of respect?!"

I snorted, plastering my Hollywood smile back on my face, of all the arguments for him to use that was probably the stupidest. "Yeah, have you?"

An indignant snort spilled from his mouth, "Of course I have-"

I cut him off, "Oh really? Then what were you doing just now? Respecting the crap out of France's face?" A few nations laughed but I wasn't joking, and despite how I tried to keep the annoyance and irritation from leaking into my deceptively blithe expression I'm sure there was some there.
Germany came over, sensing his opportunity to regain what little control he had over the meeting.

It was an accidentWhere stories live. Discover now