You Get Jealous

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John squints his eyebrows in confusion. "I'm sorry, what?" 

"Archibald Moore. My name." The man cleared, letting his hand out. 

John blinked his eyes. His mouth formed an O shape before he shook Moore's hand. "I'm John Watson. Pleasure to meet you."

Moore's eyes twinkled. "Believe me, the pleasure is all mine."

The handshake went longer than it should for an average time between stranger to stranger. And John realized this. He quickly let go of Moore's hand and took a look around his surroundings. When will you arrive?

"So waiting for someone?" Asked Moore, staring at the cars passing in front of him. John nodded, "Yes, uhm, she should be here in a moment."

"Maybe she ditched you." He suggested. He looked back to the shorter man. "That would be a waste. You're a fine man, Mr. Watson."

John's ears turned red at the last statement. His eyes widened but he fought it down. "She wouldn't make me wait when she's not going to arrive." He defended you. He trusted you. He's confident in the both of you. You're a woman of your word.

"She could change her mind though." Suggested Moore. "Leave you for someone else. In my opinion, that's just inhuman. You're a beautiful man and I'm sure anyone can see that."

John didn't hear the compliments from the man. 

How dare he presume things about you? He knows nothing about you and he shouldn't. He'd be a waste of time before you and surely compared to you, he's an idiot. Then again, everyone's an idiot compared to any of the Holmes siblings. But you didn't make him feel that way.

You stepped out of your car. Your eyes searched the streets for your man and there you found him in company with another. He didn't seem to be enjoying himself. From your position, you could see him shaking. His clenched fists threatened to be unleashed from the restraint. His fuming eyes. The man he was with must have said, or done something to piss him off.

Before the situation could escalate, you quickly made your way to your darling. Your frown deepened with every step. 

You held John's hand and rubbed circles on his knuckles using your thumb. Surprised, John turned his head to you in alarm. Seeing it was you, all distress disappeared from his face, and it was replaced with a smile. He calmed down immediately.

You eyed his company and what you deduced nearly made you laugh. He was interested in your John. Flirting! John must have not realized it.

You returned your eyes to your doctor and it softened once you saw the state he became. "Hello, darling. I do hope you did not have to wait long?" 

He shook his head. "It's alright, I didn't have to wait much."

Seeing that John was obviously in a relationship with you, Archibald Moore moved away from the both of you scowling. Disappearing in the crowd of people.

John let out a sigh of relief once he left. "Oh thank goodness! He was bothering me, making comments here and there. I swear he was trying to get a bloody rise out of me!"

Amused, you replied, "Darling, on the contrary, the man was flirting with you."

This information hit him like a slamming brick wall. "What? What, no! That's not right." He denied. He looked at you as if you were crazy.

"He was." You said. A giggle escaped from your lips. 

"But I'm not gay."

John's pouty lips nearly made you coo at the sight. "I know, John, I know." You responded as another chuckle escaped.

Sherlock PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora