You Get Jealous

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Sherlock Holmes
You held Sherlock's hand as you entered the door to 221B Baker Street. The cold breeze did nothing to cease the warm smile plastered on your face.

You were lucky, and you were happy. Before Sherlock had come into your life, you hadn't realized it but you were lonely. Your life was empty with nothing to live for but the books in need of tending. Sherlock was the flame you needed and unknowingly, wanted. He burned into you all the things you thought were pointless. He became the reason for you to live your life to the fullest. You learned to open your heart just as he easily opened his to you.

You opened the door to his flat. The warm smile that was plastered on your face fell and you halted in your tracks. The identity of the person— no, the woman on the couch is clear to you. Sherlock stopped in his tracks as his eyes landed on The Woman.

"Irene Adler." He voiced her name. Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced as your face hardened. He clenched your hand in his and you returned it. The message was clear.

"Hello, Sherlock." Irene greeted, crossing her legs as she did so. She squinted her eyes at you and you held your ground. "And who is this lovely little bird? I didn't know you were keeping another pet."

You took a step forward, dropping your hand from Sherlock's. "I'm Y/N L/N, Sherlock's girlfriend." You emphasized. "And John is no pet."

Giggling, she stood up and her eyes bore into you. "You don't look much." She finally says.

Sherlock took a step forward to defend you but you held your hand up to stop him. "I expected much more from The Woman. I thought you needed no man to save you from death," You smirked, seeing the loathe in her eyes. "But then again, you're just as dependent on men as how we rely on oxygen to live."

She clenched her fists as her eyes flamed with hatred and disgust. "How dare you!" She screeched. Her hand was raised as she aimed at your cheek.

You caught her wrist in time and added pressure to it. You took great pleasure in seeing the pain in her eyes. "It should be I, who says those words to you. You are trespassing on Sherlock Holmes' property."

She laughed at you. "The police can't catch me!"

"Perhaps, " You say. "But Mycroft Holmes can and he will ensure you are placed in a cell specially made for you."

You threw her hand away from you as you watched the confidence leave from her eyes. Replaced with fear and horror, she took a step back. She took one last long at Sherlock, who was too occupied staring at you in amazement to notice before she ran to the open window and jumped.

"Ta ta, Ms. Alder." You taunted her.

Confident that the threat was gone, you turned to your boyfriend who was still amazed. "What?" You asked, oblivious. 

He cupped your cheek. "You once again, reminded me of one of the endless reasons why I love you."

"I love you too."

John Watson
"You come here often?"

John looked up at the man who spoke, away from his phone. The man was taller than him. As tall as Sherlock, he noticed. A redhead with sparkling green eyes. His voice was melodic, with a slight accent he couldn't place. The man wasn't slender or big. He was fit. He seemed ordinary. Too ordinary.

"Uh, no." John finally answered. "I'm just waiting for someone, actually." He slipped his phone into his pocket before looking up at the man.

He smiled. "Archibald." The man says.

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