He Gets Jealous

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Sherlock Holmes
"—and then Madame Levinson had to explain to my mother how I managed to climb up and down the tallest tree in our neighborhood unscattered, simply because I was curious about the view of our town from above."

The murmurs of your voice and another reached Sherlock's ears from behind the door. He scowled once he heard the voice of the other person accompanying you. Opening the door to reveal a smiling you and a chuckling Mycroft sitting on the chairs.

Mycroft halted in his chuckles when the opened door revealed Sherlock in all his glory. "You're in my chair." Stated Sherlock. Mycroft raised an eyebrow but made a move to stand out of the chair. 

"It seems I have overstayed my welcome." Said Mycroft, turning to you. A brief smile appeared as quickly as it disappeared. "I shall see you around, Y/N." He glanced at Sherlock, "Do keep him in line."

You stood up as well, nodding. "Certainly, Mycroft. Have a safe trip." A pleasant smile plastered on your lips. Sherlock clenched his fists, "Don't start World War III just yet, brother mine." Venom laced in the words. "I'd be too bored." Continued Sherlock, scowling.

Mycroft heard but paid his younger brother no mind. Instead, he went past the door and left with no evidence of his visit.

Sherlock closed the door and took off his coat, heading straight towards the kitchen. "How was the case, dearest? And where is John?" You asked. Your eyes followed his movements.

"Out." Was all he said.

Frowning, you followed him. "Did I unknowingly do anything to upset you?"

Your question, ignored. "Sherlock." You called his name. Still ignored as he prepared tools for another experiment of his. "Sherlock." You called again.

You called his name again, this time grabbing his arm. It easily caught his attention as he turned to you and said, "Let me go, Y/N. I'm occupied right now if you can't tell."

You rolled your eyes but held on. "I'm not an idiot, Sherlock. Far from it. Obviously something has upset you." You continued, "Is it because of Mycroft?"

Sherlock forcefully pulled his arm from your grip. And that was all the answer you needed.

Your tense face softened as you looked at your lover. "Sherlock, you know as much as I know that Mycroft is my only friend like how John is to you.

And I am also aware you are bisexual, and again, I'm fine with it because that does not change anything about you.

I trust you, Sherlock, because I know you won't purposefully cheat on me. And if you do then I'd be wrong. Your behavior right now screams that you are jealous."

Sherlock ignored you still. His actions paused however, indicating he listened to your words. You stood your ground as you waited for him. You said nothing, did nothing. You knew your words penetrated the shields he put up. And you knew because of it, he was deep in thought.

Only the noise in the streets was heard in the silent flat but finally, Sherlock eased himself down.

"I'm sorry." Whispered him. His back is still facing your front. Your ears caught on to his words and you briefly smiled. 

Raising your arms mid-length, you wrapped it around his torso. Your head lied on his shoulder. His eyes closed as he felt your warmth spreading through his body. His body felt floating on top of you.

"It's okay."

With your words, he relaxed himself on you. You stayed in that embrace.

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