They Ask You Out

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Little Holmes
It was a quiet morning in the library. People came and went to borrow and return books.

You were sitting at your usual place with a book in hand and tea on the desk. You were re-reading a particular book, Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. It has been some time since you last finished it.

The doors jerked open. Sighing, you placed your book down and took a sip of your tea.

As the footsteps grew closer to your location, you stood up and faced the person who came in. To your utter surprise, Sherlock Holmes returned to the library and he looked rather nervous.

With a smile you joked, "Sherlock Holmes has once again graced the library with his presence. How may I help you this time, detective?" Unlike the last time, you decided to be polite. You did not deduce him this time.

Sherlock cracked a big smile at your humor. He eased himself and ignored your question, however. What he said next did not surprise you but it did have you alarmed.

"You like me."

With a breath you replied, "Yes, I do. People like people, Mr. Holmes."

He nearly rolled his eyes but restrained himself. "Not in the way you are referring to. You are interested in me. Enough to consider dating me in your mind."

The obvious answer was he deduced you, and he got a lot of deductions.

"And what do you plan to do about it?" You asked.

"Go on a date with me."

You froze. You stared at him, if he was lying or really interested in you. It was the latter but that did not easily win you over. "Why?"

Sherlock blinked his eyes. Blinked it again and stared at you. "Why not?"

You let out a tiny chuckle at his answer. You haven't had this fun and amusement in years, interest included. "Because you," You pointed at him, "Are Sherlock Holmes. I am bound to be a target."

"It could be fun."

"It could be dangerous." You countered.

To your surprise he was still patient. "Just one date. See if I'm worth the danger." He replied, leaning closer to you.

A moment of silence occured. Both of you are staring at each other's eyes.

"Okay." You gave your answer, breaking the silence. He leaned back with a huge grin on his face and for a moment you were disappointed. "Brilliant! I'll see you tonight at closing time."

Before you could even reply, he was leaving, and gone. You blinked. In your opinion, that was surreal. But you liked it, and you are aching for more.

Small Watson Compared to Sherlock
John stood in front of the door to Y/N Holmes' office. The word ANALYST, staring back at him. With a package from Sherlock in one hand and a box of chocolates in the other per Sherlock's advice, John thought of what could happen once he stepped inside the room. Nothing bad, hopefully.

He built up the courage by placing the box of chocolates on top of the package. He used his now free hand to knock three times on the door. A muffled "Come in!" was heard from the inside. He opened the door and stepped inside, taking her office in and closed the door behind him. His heart was beating rapidly from your stare but he continued to busy himself by looking at the interesting wall beside him.

"I'm wondering what is so interesting about the wall you are staring at, Dr. Watson." You broke the silence. From your seat, you watched as he slightly jumped, nearly dropping the box of chocolates. Fortunately, he managed to catch it with his other hand then turned to you.

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