45 ◕ Your Dream (🇬🇧 Vers)

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“Hey… I don't mind—

"You're fine, but to me it's a problem.  Joohyuk-ah, even though you love me you shouldn't give up on your dream"

“Then I should give up on you?”

"It is not like that.  But do you think I'd be happy to hear that?  You, because you love me and want to be with me, actually give up your dreams and ideals?”

Joohyuk snorted, “It's not like I can make it happen—

“You're a great actor, you're also a handsome model.  I saw your dramas and movies, I love them!!”

"There's no need to talk about it anymore, it was six years ago after all"

Joohyuk felt tight.  He stood up and held out his hand to Chanyeol.  "Let us go home"

Chanyeol didn't accept the outstretched hand.  He threw his sharp eyes, "If you get the chance, will you return to that world?"

Joohyuk sighed, “The entertainment world is stifling.  I don't want them to talk about you.  Besides, do you want the world to know you?  Followed you and took your photo—

“I hate being the center of attention”

“That's why I won't be returning, despite the millions of golden opportunities before me.  Why?.  Because I don't want to lose you."

Chanyeol was silent.  He digested Joohyuk's sentence then sighed.  He stood up without accepting Joohyuk's hand.  Meanwhile Joohyuk's hand still hung empty in the air.

“Hearing you say that you don't want to lose me, doesn't make me happy, Joohyuk”

After that he walked first to the place where their car was parked.  As for Joohyuk, hearing that sentence really hurt and made him fixated on the word 'doesn't make me happy'.

Now Joohyuk questioned it.  Wondering when was the last time Chanyeol laughed.  When was the last time he heard Chanyeol's ridiculous but adorable laugh.

Joohyuk stepped after Chanyeol.  His mind was still wandering around.  The gust of wind that swept over him seemed to carry memories that could make him stop and freeze.

"Joohyuk, congratulations on your achievement!!"

Joohyuk looked at Chanyeol who appeared with his sweet smile.  Joohyuk looked at him in disbelief.  He looked at the living room of his apartment.  There are flowers and many balloon decorations.


Chanyeol held out a green box.  Joohyuk opened it and found a star-shaped lamp.

"You are the star! The most famous actor, huh?! Such a great category!!"

Joohyuk smiled.  He bent down to hug Chanyeol tightly.  Unlucky.  He really loves Chanyeol.

"You did it! Your mother who just read the winner looks surprised! I watched the broadcast"

Joohyuk nodded in satisfaction.  After four years of career in modeling and acting, this is his second award, but it means more now because it is his mother who stands in front of the podium and calls his name.

Even though his mother might have congratulated him just because it was her duty as a nominee reader, Joohyuk still felt proud.


Joohyuk turned towards the kitchen in surprise.  "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!"

"Ah, I invited him to dinner with us"



Joohyuk looked at Kris who walked up to him and draped a red scarf around his neck.  He looked at Kris with furrowed brows.

"Congratulations! You were cool when you gave a short speech earlier," said Kris.  Seems sincere.  But Joohyuk didn't respond.

Chanyeol tidied the scarf around Joohyuk's neck and smiled.  "Never give up on your dreams because I am your number one fan"


"Thank you for holding on, and I hope that you will shine more and more like a star"

Chanyeol rubbed Joohyuk's cheek and lightly pinched it.  "I'm so proud of you"

Joohyuk sighed and rubbed his face roughly.  Damn.  This heavy feeling.  He looked at the direction Chanyeol passed.

What should I do?










"I was surprised to get a call from you, I thought I had to attend a funeral"

Kris chuckled because of his cousin's sarcastic remark.  He sat beside Kyuhyun who was driving his car.  Tao and Sehun were sleeping in the middle seat.

"Hannam Dong?"


"Wae? My house is in Nonhyeon District in case you forgot"

Kyuhyun didn't answer.  He drove his car until he came to a house with a black fence.  A security guard opened the gate and the car went into the garage.

"Just stay here first. The house there is still being renovated"

Kris sighed but nodded in agreement.  He woke Tao and lifted Sehun in his arms.  Take him into one of the rooms downstairs.

Kris then looked at the clock on the wall which pointed to two in the afternoon.  He sighed as he remembered that he had an appointment with one of his clients.  He asked Kyuhyun where his office was, as soon as he got an answer he rushed up the stairs to the top floor.

"Tao, take me to the convenience store for a while, I forgot to buy cooking ingredients"

"Okay, hyung"

Tao and Kyuhyun then moved together.  Leaving the majestic house was empty and silent without any meaningful sound.

Until the sound of the door opening was heard.  Sehun who woke up peeked out and found no one.  He ran upstairs and found a door to the room open.  He looked at his father who was speaking a foreign language.  Choosing to ignore him, he went downstairs.

He found a swimming pool in the backyard.  Not wanting to drown again, he quickly got away from the backyard and ran out of the house. 

He looked at his house which was different from the house his father had invited him to visit the other day.

Little Sehun scratched his head that didn't itch.  Then he turned and ran away from the house.  He found a guard who was focused on watching tv.  Then sneak past it.

"I'm smart," he reassured himself that he could get out and leave, then come back.  Sehun thinks he is very smart and can remember roads quickly and well.

Krisyeol; The Immutable TruthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang