34 ◕ Him (🇬🇧 Vers)

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Sehun and Jongin along with one of the Kim family maids were taking a walk that afternoon.  Sehun is mostly silent, and Jongin is busy telling about the good things South Korea is.  Last night Jongin asked Sehun to stay at his house, but Sehun refused.


"Hmm?  Why Hun?"

“Hunnie's heart!  Hold it!!"

Sehun and Jongin are waiting for their maid in line for fruit juice.  Sehun grabbed Jongin's hand and put Jongin's hand on his chest.  The place where his heart lies.

“It beats fast right?!”

"Yes.  You know what that means?”


Sehun gave his friend an annoyed look.  But his cheeks were flushed, and that made Jongin's smile grow even wider on his face.

Sehun looked around.  His heart was still beating fast, he didn't really think about it, but it's pounding was uncomfortable.

He flinched.  His breath caught.  He looked at a grown man who was being pulled by another adult man.  His brows furrowed.

"Chan-yeol?"  He said quietly so only he could hear him.
He wasn't sure if his eyes had misrecognized or if it was the face on the photo paper he always carried with him.

He released his hand from Jongin's grip, his first steps slow, and when the boy who looked like Chanyeol pulled his hand away from the angry looking man's hand, Sehun quickened his pace.


Sehun heard Jongin calling him, but he ignored the call.  He runs and he hears Jongin chasing him.

His eyes focused on the young man.  His heart was beating fast.  He took a deep breath even though he was panting.  "CHAN-



Jongin held Sehun's body who almost fell because he hit an adult man.  Sehun rubbed his forehead which hurt from hitting the boy's thigh hard.

He looked up.  His brows furrowed when he saw the look of hatred in the grown man.

"Careful.  Good thing you hit me, boy.  What if tomorrow a car hits you?”

Jongin shuddered.  The grown man's words didn't sound like advice.  It just sounds like a threat.  He pulled Sehun, intending to take him back to their maid.  But Sehun pushed Jongin's hand away.

"HEH!  Ahjusshi who suddenly appeared in front of me!  It wasn't me who hit ahjusshi!!”

“Sehun, n-never mind—

"Shit.  The car's gone," Sehun cursed angrily.  Jongin looked at his friend in shock.  While Sehun now sighed and glared at the man.

"You don't look blind.  You can clearly see a little boy running.  Instead of stepping aside what you were doing stopped in front of me?!!”

"Whoa.  You— who taught you to be so rude?”

"Hear!!  I judge who deserves respect and who doesn't!  Don't bring my young age!!  Old man like you doesn't mean you're even better than me!!”

Jongin bit his finger.  Just as he was about to open his mouth, their maid had arrived and immediately carried Sehun.  The woman bowed politely,

“I'm sorry—


Once again their maid lowered her head.  He took Jongin's hand and turned to leave.  Sehun still sounded angry about the man who made him lose Chanyeol who appeared in front of his eyes.

Krisyeol; The Immutable TruthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang