xxv. real friends

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The next day is a school day

Alison has been going less and less and making up excuses each time to the principal

One week it's a bad stomach then the other it's her dog died, Alison doesn't even have a dog

She would do anything to not be there as often as she should be, she doesn't want to make people suspicious even though that won't even happen

Alison is to realistic, to realistic that sometimes what she thinks going is going to happen isn't possible

But today was a rare event that she was in.

At least she can see Wilson, but that's the reason she doesn't want to come in

Not because shes avoiding him, not at all, she's scared people are going to start noticing little looks or conversations

After the message she can't take any more risks

We see Ali and Maxie within the halls at Maxie locker

Maxie looks more excited than usual, this was because it was prom day

The day girls like Maxie dreamed out since a little girl, even though she didn't have a date she was still going to go and dance on her own or with Ali

This is the type of thing Alison admires about her

Oh my god you should see my dress I sent you a picture didn't I

She exclaims clearly excited

Alison is zoned out looking blankly down the hall

She hadn't told Maxie yet she wasn't going to the prom, I mean how can she say it to her

Sorry I can't go because I would rather be with Mr Wilson

No way, so she keeps quiet

Maxie notices her lack of attention and sighs while folding her arms and snaps her fingers in front of her face

Hello earth to Alison, are you even listening to me

Yes of course


Maxie stares her down knowing she wasn't telling the truth

Alison admits and gives up


What is up with you is everything okay you have been so off with me lately
I wasn't gonna mention it but when you ditched our girls night it kind of upset me

Alison looks sadly towards her feeling like she's hurt her best friend

Maxie I am so sorry I didn't realise you were feeling that way

Well I am

Looking down not knowing what to do

Alison sighs

I am going to make it up to you okay Maxie I promise

She utters while touching her arm reassuring her

Maxie still has her doubts and looks up to her

Don't promise me anything you can't do
And I know you can't do it

Alison feels hurts from her best friends words, little does she knows it's the truth, she's been so focussed on her brother and Wilson that she forget about one of the main things in her life, Maxie.

The girl who has been there for her for what feels like to Alison all her life

Maybe that's why she's forgotten about her, she's just got used to her being around, that's not how it works.

I've got to go I hope I will see you tonight Ali

She gives her final words before she leaves

Alison looks upset and nervous knowing she's isn't going to be there, or could she be

All she has to say to Wilson is Maxie needs her tonight, it's a night they are meant to have together and they should

But can she do that.

Alison is deep in thought when something shakes her

She suddenly looks up from looking towards the floor and sees a suspicious looking Devon facing her direction with a secret type of smile spread across his face like he knows something he shouldn't

Something real.

Something that could ruin her.

Alison can't leave this alone being herself and heads over towards him wanting answers.

That isn't what she gets...

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