xvi. any last words

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Oh my god look how spotty my face is

We hear Maxi's voice coming from the girls' bathroom echoing the silent halls

Standing in front of the mirror she tries to hide her spots by applying a fuck ton of powder to the area. It doesn't work.

Groaning in frustration she throws down her brush into the sink in annoyance and sighs.

Then BANG!

The same bang we heard from the classroom where Ali and Wilson are.

She is confused and scared as she quivers not knowing what to do with a vulnerable look spread across her powdered up face

Her hands grabbing onto the glass white sinks keeping her steady as she becomes unbalanced

Scrambling to the nearest cubicle she climbs upon the seat and covers her mouth with her hand hoping not to make a sound

She texts Ali asking what's happening and for help not knowing what else to do as she didn't want to go out to investigate further

Back in the classroom the rest of the pupils scramble in the cupboards under the desks anywhere you name it they are getting cover

Wilson runs over to Ali and holds her tight while crouching with her his hand gripping on her back protecting her

He continues to look dazed as Ali notices.

Ali questions it

Will Will? What's wrong...

He hears the bang again but it's only in his mind.

After that visions of Steph with the butter knife in her hand from earlier begin to appear

Then shooting straight across to Steph banging on the bedroom door and screaming while Wilson lays on the bed distraught in a pool of his tears.

From this moment on, we learn she was toxic and manipulative and Wilson couldn't do anything as the world now is so screwed up they would think he was lying.

The woman always tells the truth

So he hid, alone, in battles he always lost.

He snaps back into the room surrounded by helpless pupils but more importantly a scared Alison, he is still confused and lost not knowing what's going on.

Hey it's okay I'm here

She strokes his face as he pants trying to get his breath back.

She stops midway as she realises at that moment it wasn't just her and Wilson like it used to be, it was everyone.

Everyone could see even though they weren't looking they could still see how they were acting towards each other

With that thought at the front of her mind she instantly releases her hand from him and takes a deep breath

Wilson doesn't realise this but is focused on keeping himself calm

Everybody stay still and stay hidden
We hear police shout from outside the classroom.

Wilson crouches and runs to the door locking it

Ali whimpers and starts to tear up while looking around her, scared faces, crying faces, faces of nothing.

She doesn't know what to do she is stiff, still.


They wait and wait and wait, 20 minutes pass by, nothing.

Do they want to hear a sound?

Or will that mean something else is going to happen?

Will it put them in more danger?

They don't know?

We don't know?

No one knows.

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