xiv. the morning after the night before

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Alison wakes up slowly and rolls over to the side of her bed in a daze mixed with perfection

After a perfect night she thinks it's going to be a perfect morning

Sighing she then smiles in the corner of her mouth, revealing what she's smiling at, Wilson's Shirt he left.

She gets up and takes it up to her nose surrounding herself with his scent that she loved so much and craved


Ali, I made breakfast

We hear Carter shout from downstairs

He's been more involved nowadays, ever since the incident at school months ago he knows he shouldn't have done that

But Ali has forgiven him and tried for her brother, all she wants to is for them to be as close as a normal family as possible even if it is just a brother and a sister

Ali sighs putting the shirt back down and heads downstairs revealing a homemade breakfast all laid out for her by her brother who is standing looking proudly with a pan in his hand facing towards her.

Like he needs acknowledgment from her

Stunned she looks towards Carter with raised eyebrows


What's all this


I made breakfast for us

Pointing out the things obvious


I can see that, but what's it for, have I missed a birthday



Why is it that if cooked breakfast it has to be for some special occasions?


No, it's not it's just the last time you cooked something at home was when...

They both fall silent knowing what she's going to say next, and he isn't going to like it


When mom was here


I'm sorry


Why are you apologising


I didn't think my cooking would bring up memories like that for you, mom being around

Suddenly he feels like he's done something wrong like he shouldn't have made all this effort, it was all his fault


It hasn't it just reminded me that's all. I'm okay, you know you don't have to win my approval or something if that's what you're trying to do with all this

She makes sure that isn't what he is aiming to do

He looks down silently admitting it


I just want my little sister back


I'm here

Pleads while she puts her hand on the head rest of the chair


I know


You don't have to put on a big show, just be my brother

That's all she wants it's all she has ever wanted

Them to be a family even if unfortunately, there only is 2 of them left now for that

of course, she wishes this wasn't the case



He whispers under his breath


Now we can't let this food go to waste can we

She sits down and starts to plate it up

Carter looks confused


Come on-sit

Ordering him

Carter smiles and sits next to his sister


What do you think about her?

Alison's light mood and facial expressions suddenly change dull like somebody had wiped her grin straight off her face

She speaks of this dark topic out of now where which startles Carter as he thought we were past the subject


Do you think about Mom?



He says quickly and coldly while looking towards her as this isn't the sort of conversation, he wants to have at all no matter who it is with especially his own sister who went through it


Me too

Alison starts to tear up re living memories no bad just good that's why it hurts more because she knows she will never have them again


Hey, do you remember when she used to make us them little movie nights where we would build our den and get snacks in and just cuddle the whole night

Trying to cheer herself up

It doesn't work


I miss that


Why did she leave me?

Ali face turns to thunder as she can't control the tears for much longer

She breaks down sobbing

Carter instantly jumps up and cradles his sister in comfort as she weeps in his arms helplessly

He can't bear to see his sister like this he feels like he's the one responsible for her pain and hurt

He doesn't realise that there was nothing he could do or nothing anyone could do

Their mother had problems serious problems maybe in some ways her leaving was the best thing she had done for them

She was saving them from more hurt and pain they just don't know

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