xviii. suspicion

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Ambulances and Police sirens surround the school premises.

All students and staff were let out half an hour ago.

Of course everyone is still shaken up, especially Alison.

She's given a warm blanket and perched on a wall around nurses who are checking up on her.

She looks lifeless.

Are you okay Hunny

Yeah yeah I'm sure, look can I go now I've said there's nothing wrong with me, check others

Just a few more checks we have to make sure

She sighs and looks around as the nurse leaves.

In her eye view is Wilson checking up on other Students and Staff looking somber.

The red and blue lights flicker on and off his face as he looks up to her direction.

They spot each other.

So far away.

Yet so close

In the middle of them a flood of traumatised students.

She looks back down quickly knowing he is disappointed in her and what she did.

Her mind races again, she was trying to help?

Maybe she should've listened?

But what could of happened to Maxie if she didn't go in time?

Would she even be here?

Did Alison just save her life?

Wilson is now an arm length away from her as she snaps back out of thought.

Shit She thinks.


She looks up vulnerable.

Don't shout at me

I'm not. Don't worry, Just....

I know I shouldn't have, I'm sorry Will.

Now what are you apologising for this time baby girl.

Alison looks into his eyes.

Not listening to you Will.

I was disappointed, I still am, but I can't be mad, because I would have done the same thing

He didn't want to admit it but had to, trying to make her feel a little better and not be so hard on herself

Alison thinks Wilson disappointed in her is worse than anything, and it is.



Sighing she looks down.

Wilson lifts her head up by his hand.

But what he forgets is his surroundings and where he is at, work

We see Devon is placed behind the two witnessing the events being carried out by Wilson to Alison

He is even more suspicious

Now seeing this and the scene within class before this all happened he doesn't know what to think

At this point he gets his phone out and starts a recording of the couple

Wilson starts to look up as this scares Devon away in case he catches him, he scrambles away as he places his phone in his back pocket.

Hey how about tonight you come over mine, now that Steph is gone there's no need to sneak around

Wilson's gets ahead of himself

We still need to be careful

Unknowing of what Devon just did

I know and we will be, but there's no harm in spending some time together

Wilson caresses her hand down by her side secretly

It does sound perfect

Looking down at their hands smiling warmly liking the sight


Alison smirks and nods he mirrors.

Carter pulls up in his not yet broken car and runs towards his little sister.

Oh my god Ali, your okay

Alison quickly snaps her hand out of Wilson's seeing Carter

He hugs her she is surprised by his strength and loving ness.

Wilson looks uncomfortable and looks away.

You are okay aren't you Alison

Yes or course I am, only because of one person though

She looks towards Wilson smiling

He looks towards them smiling

Thank you so much...

Erm it's Mr Wilson

Thank you Mr Wilson
I remember you

Referencing to the lunch situation

Alison looks down after hearing his brother say his name realising that he is still her own teacher.

Wilson notices this.

I'm gonna get her home now, thank you for taking care of her I can't express how much it means to me, if I lost her I wouldn't know what to do

Almost making a speech to everyone nearby

I understand.

Come on

They walk away from Wilson, Carter has his arm around his sister protecting her

Ali looks back for one final look, Wilson meet her eye line.

Now in the car Carter is driving

Is Maxie Okay

Yes she's fine

Uttering while still shaken up, she looks out of the window to distract herself

I'm really proud of you

For what sitting in a room being scared to death not wanting to make a noise in case you actually get shot to death

Making it sound brutal

Carter raises his eyebrows

I didn't mean that, Just going through it and being this calm and everything, I'm proud

Alison has always wanted to hear them words but they came of the wrong person.

Her mother was the person she wanted to make proud.

She lost that chance.

She leans on the window and closes her eyes needing rest before she arrives home.

Also to stop reliving the same nightmare

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