The Port (Saviour)

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"Hear or feel what?" Was Mimi's response. I shook it off, maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him. I was soon going to find however, how wrong I was. The building actually looked like a flat. At the bottom, it looked like no-one had touched it in years. There was a neat and tidy desk a the front with some paper with no dust on them, the whole room gave a warm and safe feeling, as well as antique pictures of old but stern looking men and women hanging on the wall. Pony tried to stop for a brief moment, but we simply beckoned him along, as neither of us wanted to waste any time. There was a room at the back, and it extended to a near endless staircase. It wouldn't stop winding. Both me and Pony gave a groan of annoyance, this meant more walking, a lot more walking. Mimi, who clearly wanted to enlighten the mood, gave me a playful shove on the shoulder and started running.

"Last one to the top's the loser." She joked. I gave a sigh and started jogging.

"Hey...wait!" Pony cried. Soon, all three of us were running. And they were right, the building did seem to be a flat, different golden numbers flashed on their way up, indicating rooms.

After a whole lot of running, us three got to a landing space with paved cobble, and a large pair of doors. I took a step forward, and the strange thing that happened last time happened again. The door blew open and a fraction of a second before it happened, I felt a chill on my spine.

"Woah." Pony cried, as the door banged open, and a gust of window sent him stumbling backwards.

"Watch out!" Mimi cried. After they got back to their feet, Mimi re-opened her jacket and took out the grappling hook. She aimed it at the lighthouse, and fired. A metal hook on a string fired toward the window and easily latched on.

"This is a one woman job." She said cheekily. "You two get back." Pony and I were relived to hear this, and we strode on back. As we got to the bottom, a huge light could be seen flashing above them, it was the lighthouse. It then rotated round until it beamed at the sea. Me, Mimi, and Pony gathered back at the docks, and boom! Our plan had worked. A large red, white and black boat was pulling into the docks. A piece of text was engraved into the side, saying 'The Medora'.

"Hello, is anyone there?" I called out into the twisting fog that entwined the boat like a sheet.

"WHO GOES THERE!" A masculine like voice booms. The group was taken aback. A shadowy figure jumped off the ship as it halted, and walked out into the limelight. The figure that came out looked exactly like a pirate. With a black pirate hat and coat, a metal cutlass, brown leather boots, green sleeves, even a hook.

"Avast ye filthy landlubbers, My name is captain Budgie, captain of the Medora! Was it you who turned on the lighthouse?" The figure cried, clearly indicating a pirate accent too.

"Ummm." Pony began. "Yes?"

"If there's something you want to say." Barked Budgie. "Say it!" Willow stepped in.

"We need your help!" She said, impatiently. The figure then shook it's head.

"Blimey, you want to board MY ship, and ask ME for help, gosh, this isn't a charity." Budgie then turned around and started back to her ship.
"Wait!" Mimi called out. "Sir, I have a question." Budgie stopped in his tracks and craned his head back.

"Yes, little missy, and it's Ma'am." Budgie said, revealing her gender. Mimi looked kind off embarrassed to ask this, or in the hot seat to answer.

"Why is your name Budgie?" Budgie stopped and thought for a moment, then she laughed aloud and was a good twenty seconds before explaining.

"Ye see." She said. "When I was born, my parents took me to a zoo, and before they named me, a budgie came and landed right in my head. So they named me Budge. An unusual name, Yes, I know! But the story doesn't stop there, my surname is Goodman, so my name sounds like Budge.G, Budgey, hence, Budgie!" She then cracked up with laughter, only pausing to wipe the tears from her eyes. Willow, who had become mightily frustrated at this point, tapped her foot on the floor, and steered the conversation back to the main point.

"Hilarious." She joked. "Now, we don't have time to waste, we need to get across the north." Budgie stopped laughing and turned serious.

"Sink me!" She bellowed. "Across the sea! I used what fuel I had left to dock here."

"Well..Well, don't you have any spare fuel?" I asked bewildered at such an answer. Budgie shook her head again and tutted.

"Yes, but it be impossible to get to it." She spoke. "Ever since those blasted infected invaded my ship, they've been a nuisance to my crew, it's just me left now, I had to seal my infected crew down lower." I could feel her sorrow, he knew what it was like to lose friends so close it felt like family.

"Alright, let me go down there." Willow barked. "If they saw what I could do to them, they'd fear me." Budgie immediately fired back with a response.

"I thought the same thing of myself, but look what happened to me." Budgie grunted, indicating her hook on her right hand.

"I have another question, Ma'am." Mimi piped. Budgie sighed again.

"Yes, missy."

"Where exactly would we end up on the other side of the ocean?" She enquired.

"Gosh, just outside of Doveport, why?" Budgie asked suspiciously.

"Oooh." Mimi squealed. "That's where my friend lives, he's a natural engineer." Out of the corner of Willow's eye, she caught mine. Mimi's friend' might just be the key to helping them find the cure.

"Well, if you really want to do it." Budgie sighed. "Good luck scallywags, I'll unseal the decks, don't feed the fish down there."

The gang boarded the ship, but, secretly, without notice. A shadowy figure had been watching them. The figure was easily eight and a half feet tall, it's legs and arms were slender, and fell down to past it's waist. The figure had oily black skin, that dripped and oozed. It's arms easily fell past it's waist. The head was made entirely out of stitched, filthy brown wool that formed into a ball, two rotten ears poked out the top, and in it's right eye was an orange pupil with a black dot dancing around in it.

"Finally." The figure said in a raspy tone. "My army will rise. There was a horrible squelching noise. The figure gagged, and a small black clump of oil stretched around it's arm and onto the floor. The clump of oil, shifted and changed, two oily arms poked out of the side, a small backside poked out, and a ball formed at the front, two shiny orange eyes blinked on the head, and a mouth opened and smacked it's dripping lips.

"Now now, my child." The figure rasped. "Don't wear yourself out." After five minuets, no more than four more oil clumps had been born. All of them had the arms, the backside, the head, the orange eyes, the dripping lips, and all of them were HUNGRY.

"Don't worry my children." the figure rasped. "You will be fed." And with that, the figure produced a large hunk of meat from out of nowhere. The oil babies screamed with delight and leapt forward to snack. The figure let out a booming laugh that shook the ground.

What did you think, creative right? Anyway, the Survivor ending will probably be tomorrow, if not then definitely this week, I can guarantee that. Ok, that's it for now, see you later

Your Author

Doctor of Fun

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