I glance up from my phone when I hear a rush of students coming out of the classroom. So, I quickly move away from the middle of the hallway and stand near the opposite wall of the classroom, waiting for Sydney.

Harry: you could have said that straight away. Didn't need to go all feisty on me.

Me: I always answer extremely stupid questions like this :)

Harry: oh my god, fine. So, Is that Noah person with you?


I look up from my phone when I hear a familiar voice. I turn off the phone, sliding it into my pocket, as I see Sydney hurrying towards me.

"Hi, how was the class?" I ask her as soon as she comes to me.

"It was ok but that's not important." I furrow my brows when she excitedly hooks her arm with mine and turns me around to the end of the hallway where the big windows are. "I have a gossip like a burning one."

"And...what is that?" I ask her as we finally reached the big windows.

"I have accurate information that miss Hazel Collins is dating an engineering freshman since 2 or 3 days before Halloween."

What the fuck?

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I frown in confusion plus anger building up inside me. "That means just 10 or 12 days after her breakup with Harry?!"

"Yup." She sits down at the windowsill. "I never trusted that bitch ever, I told that to Harry the first day but he ignored it."

I can't imagine how someone can move on this quickly. I also don't understand what was all that 'I really like you, Harry' bullshit she said to him that evening, I would've never thought that was all her acting by looking at the depressing expression she had.

"I still don't get the fact that why he dated her in the first when he knew she was no good."

"He doesn't show it but he's sensitive, Lou." Sydney gives me a soft smile. "Of course, he had his random hookups in the first year but I never heard that those girls gave him an attitude walking in the hallways or even talk bad about him. Maybe he felt really good that she was talking to him, out of everyone, over the summer. I bet this was all a joke to her after what happened last year."

I furrow my brows at her last sentence.

What happened last year?

"Miss Jones! Miss Brown!"

Before I ask her about last year, we hear someone calling our names from the hallway. Sydney immediately stands up and grabs her bag when we see Professor Smith walking toward us.

"Good morning, sir."

"Good morning, sir."

We both greet him simultaneously when he stops in front of us.

"Good morning, good morning." He smiles at us and adjusts his suit. "I was meaning to speak to you actually after our class today, but good thing I found you here."

"What happened, sir?" I ask. "Did we not do anything?"

"Did you give us some assignment that I hadn't turned in?" Sydney asks, rather frantically.

"No, Miss Jones, it's nothing like that." He says. "In fact, it's not related to anything academic."

I nod, trying to comprehend what he wants to say as he continues.

"I wanted to give your friend, Mr Harry Styles, a heads up to this year's competition."

"What competition?"

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