Chapter Two

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A soft sigh escaped Izuku's lips as he quietly entered his empty school. He glanced around, knowing he was alone. Only the principal and a few teachers were there, at this time. So he was certainly the only student there. 

The small boy hurried down the staircase, making his way towards the gymnasium, where the showers were. He was in great need of one... His hair was oily, and thick... Almost in chunks. Literally disgusting. His body is full of gunk, and dirt... He feels like a garbage bag. And he also smells like one, too. 

The short male eventually opened the boy's restroom, sneaking inside. He gently put his bag down, on the ground and took off his clothing. He started by washing out some dirt from his uniform, then made his way to the shower, where he turned on the water and stepped inside. Luckily, someone had left their old shampoo & body-wash bottles behind, so Izuku took the liberty to use those. He started by washing his hair, until it felt fluffy again, then removed all the dirt from his body, with the help of soap. Once done, he stepped out, drying himself with a towel that the school had in stock for the Basketball Players. 

Then, he got dressed into his uniform again, grabbing his bag and making his way towards the exit again. However, as he was reaching out to pull on the door handle, the wooden door swung open, hitting him flat in the face. The greenette whined, stumbling back as he covered his face. 

"Ah, shit! Sorry! I wasn't expecting anyone to be here, especially this early. Are you okay?" A voice echoed through the bathroom. Izuku removed his hands, looking up. In front of him, stood a tall blonde with a worried look planted on his face. 

"I'm... Fine." Midoriya managed to squeak out, looking down to his dirty, red boots. 

"Are you sure? Let me see." The taller boy spoke, stepping forward. As the blonde raised his hand towards Izuku's freckled face, all the greenette did was flinch away with a whine, making the taller boy retract his hand. 

"If you need to go to the infirmary, I can take you." The tall male continued, earning a frantic head-shake from the smaller teen. 

"No." Izuku spoke, sneaking past the blonde. He recognized him from his classroom. He was seated in front of him... Katsuki Bakugou. What was he doing here, at 6 in the morning?

As the small male nervously exited the washrooms, he made his way out of the gymnasium, and towards his assigned locker. Unlike the other lockers, his stood out. It was plain: Not decorated. Yueii had a funny way for their students to personalize their lockers... They had the permission to decorate them, as long as it wasn't anything inappropriate. Therefore, many lockers had been covered with name tags, colors, lights and drawings. However, Izuku's was probably the only one who had nothing on it. It was just a plain, dark-blue locker. No pictures, no colors, no knick-knacks... Nothing. Inside, only books occupied it. Nothing more, nothing less. 

After nearly an hour of waiting, the bell eventually rang, and students flooded the hallways and classrooms. Izuku was already seated, waiting for his class to start. A few classmates walked in, talking with each other as they took their assigned seats. Midoriya watched from afar, admiring how they seemed happy. However, the students ended up staring at him in a disgusted manner, which led him to look down to his knees. After several minutes, a loud and obnoxious ruckus occurred in the classroom, which gained every student's attention. In the doorway, several tall teenagers were rooting, walking into class. Izuku recognized them, immediately. Tall, built and such a positive attitude, these were the boys that were apart of the Yueii Basketball team. Their team's name: Heroes. It was plain, but it had always been their Basketball name, for the past several years. 

Eventually, Izuku's eyes landed on the familiar blonde, who was smiling brightly in the doorway. Katsuki; the boy he had run into, earlier that morning. Midoriya's eyes trailed off to the school mascot, who was also standing in the doorway: All Might. A hero that the school had created, as their mascot several years prior. A few minutes went by, as the mascot left and the students took their seats. Izuku looked up, eyes landing on his teacher: Shouta Aizawa. 

"Good Morning, class. As you can see, our Basketball students are hyped, since their Regional game is next week. Therefore, the next few days will be based around them, to give them all the most motivation and confidence as they need to win this game for Yueii. With that said, I'll read to you your new week schedule, and the activities you'll have this week. Today, you'll receive a presentation from the principal, after dinner hours. Tomorrow, Tuesday, you'll have a Sport Rally, outside, planned by the Student Council. It'll most likely take up your entire day, and the winning team will win a Yueii-Themed Surprise-Basket. Teams will be formed at random, and each team will be assigned to a Basketball Player. Wednesday, you'll have the option to watch the Heroes' Practice Game, in the morning. Thursday is a normal day, and Friday is your physical exams."

Students immediately started chattering with each other, making the teacher clap his hands. 

"Alright! Quiet down. Now, class is starting." Aizawa scoffed, turning to face the blackboard. 

Midoriya took out his notebook and pencil case, mind trailing off. Friday is the physical exams, which means some people will take notes on his body. Also meaning: He'll have to get undressed in front of someone. Usually, the physical exams weren't mandatory. But in 12th grade, they are. Unless your parent notifies your principal otherwise... But Izuku's father wants nothing to do with his school. So there's no way of getting out of it. 

Which means, he'll be spending the next few days, trying to figure out an excuse for his numerous scars, bruises and cuts across his body. 

To Be Continued...

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐲 \ A BakuDeku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now