Pilot: Every Story Has It's Beginning

Start from the beginning

The scene starts as a pink private jet soaring through the skies is in focus, on its way to New York City.

JERRY(Voice Over)
At present times, people are extra-careful not to visit places like New York just for the fun of it.

A notable insignia on the side of the aircraft is brought into focus. A flower of some sort with pink petals surrounding a yellow corolla.

Jerry (Voice Over)
Anything could happen to you on your way there, not to talk of within the city. Some crazed bulky mutation of a man could just knock you out of the skies in a fit of rage.

The scene switches to the entrance of the plane, zooming in slowly.

Jerry (Voice Over)
An exaggeration to an extent, but its just one of the few possible things that could happen. Please stay careful girls.

The scene changes to show the pilot and copilot of the jet then swiftly switches to the halls, slowly directing focus to the three passengers in the accommodation cabin.

The three passengers were three young women, all donning white blouses and black skirts.

SAMANTHA (Voice Over)
Here we are- on our way to a long stay in New York on a long mission run from our boss, Jerry Lewis. Our job? We are spies- of WOOHP.

CLOVER (Voice Over)
Our task? Well, it was a long detailed mission. But it had everything to do with the dawn of the Marvelous. By the way, those outfits are so classy! We look like vintage spies- like from the movies!

The focus is on one of the girls, pale with auburn waist length hair and green eyes. She adjusted in her seat, wearing a pair of reading glasses.

Setting the book she had just finished reading down, she turned to her colleagues.

Girls, how are you feeling?

Clover grumbled. She was fair, with a fluffy blonde bobcut and ocean blue eyes.

Personally, I feel disappointed we have to travel to New York on such short notice. My new credit card isn't going to be ready until next week!

Sam and ALEX sigh, shaking their heads. Focus shifts to Alex, a girl who bears an excellent athletic physique, brown with a light tan. She has a curly black bobcut. Her eyes an earthen brown hue.

Alex (responding to Sam)
I'm actually worried, though. Who knows how long we're going to stay in New York? I really liked studying in Mali-U.

Sam (looking a little sad)
I'm going to miss it too, Alex. But I know there are some great institutions where we're headed.

Sam gives Alex a look of assurance. Her expression then changes a bit to one of concern.

What I'm actually concerned about is that we never knew what was going on until recently.

Alex (Voice Over)
By recently, Sam means two days ago. When Jerry Lewis first informed us of our trip. There had been no reports of superhumans in Malibu, but Jerry had told us it was because of the swift intervention of WOOHP.

Sam (Voice Over)
Oh and we know that superhumans exist. Dealt with a few in the past. However, no one ever expected the size of their existence to have expanded to this current level- wreaking havoc worldwide and stuff!

Clover (waving her hand dismissively)
Doesn't matter now. We'll just have to do our part and see what happens.

Alex (nods)
Yeah, I agree with Clover. There's no need to worry yet. Things are still under control...somewhat.

Sam nods in understanding, calming down a bit.

Sam (Voice Over)
We will be meeting a friend of Jerry's, once we arrive in New York. Someone Jerry said was running an agency just like WOOHP. Everything still looks relatively stable, despite the numerous criminal outbreaks.

Clover (gesturing at Sam's glasses)
Also, Sam. Take off the nerd glasses, please.

Sam (sighing)
You realize that wearing eye glasses doesn't make you a nerd, Clover.

Clover (chuckles)
Well, you look like one anyway.

Sam (gives Clover a wry smile)
I don't

Clover snickers, crossing her legs as she picks up a magazine.

Keep telling yourself that.

The scene shifts again to an undisclosed alley way in New York. There is a lone figure walking out of it, gaining the attention of some men on the road side.

A few whistles come the figure's way, revealed to be a slender feminine shape. At the sound of the whistle she pauses, gritting her teeth.

Brute 1
Hey, girlie! Didn't you hear us calling?!

The woman growls, before smiling sinisterly, her back still facing them.

TYPHOID MARY (with an ominously sweet tone)
S-sorry, I'm shy! Do you still really want to talk to me?

Brute 2
Hey, of course! You're one fine looking gal!

Typhoid Mary's smile vanished as she turned to them, a devilish look on her face.

Typhoid Mary
Alright then, here comes Mary!

The screen turns to Typhoid Mary's shadow. Screams of the men are heard which is slowly drowned out by the sound of sizzling and of fire crackling.

                                                              FADE OUT.

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