Luna raised her eyebrows. Her standing position changed to become more upright. She looked at Kris who was now looking into her eyes deeply.

"Chanyeol is married to Joohyuk. Em, Joohyuk is a person who really loves Chanyeol. For him, Chanyeol is the source of his life, Chanyeol is his sun. You know? Em... he was born into a disorganized family. His parents do not live together. His father forced him to continue the company while he wanted to be like his mother, to be an actor. He always fights with his father, always gets a beat from his father, while his mother... his mother never accepts him. Then, he met Chanyeol. Chanyeol who always told him that Joohyuk was a great person and Chanyeol who always told Joohyuk that he trusted Joohyuk. Because of that, Chanyeol is so precious to Joohyuk. Do you know? It's like... Chanyeol is the most comfortable point and his place to lean on. I know. I saw it all, long ago. How Joohyuk looked at Chanyeol sadly and seemed to beg Chanyeol to look back at him like he was looking at Chanyeol." Kris clenched his fists. Luna stared at the movement. Kris was holding back his anger and all the frantic feelings he was feeling.

"But if, what if that day he ran towards me, but something bad happened and made him unable to meet me? What if he never let me go and expects me to leave him? What if he had an accident, which if he came to be in a vegetative state, then it wouldn't be a minor accident, would it? What if while he was lying unconscious, Joohyuk took the opportunity by marrying him and making Chanyeol bond with him? What if Chanyeol there is not happy with him? After all, marrying someone against one's own will, isn't that selfish and outrageous? I mean.. Joohyuk tied Chanyeol with his selfishness. He tied Chanyeol with a sacred relationship that Chanyeol didn't want. What if that happened? What should I do? What if my speculation is correct? what if all these thoughts were true? what should I do? Should I snatch him? Getting him back with excuses and statements that I love him and Chanyeol loves me too? That we love each other and are meant to be together. Then what about Joohyuk? What about their child? I saw Sehun was broken because we weren't together. Then what about the child in Chanyeol's womb? What should I do? I really want to be selfish and find out where Chanyeol is. I want to hold his hand and pull him into my arms. I-

Luna hugged Kris when she heard the sound of Kris' breathing getting heavier and his voice getting hoarse and chaotic. He hugged Kris tightly. Her hand stroked the back of Kris' head gently and lovingly.

"I really love Chanyeol, Luna. I love him so much. And if someone asks me the reason, I don't have one. I have absolutely no reason why I love him so deeply. Everything just happened. All my heart and hope, I gave it all to him at that time. Every second I always repeat the phrase, time will heal all wounds. But in fact not. Time doesn't heal wounds, time will only make me get used to the pain. But these past few months, the pain has been so deep that I wish I could die so as not to feel the pain. I always thought, wondering to myself, can I and him start it all over again? Can I with him be two strangers who reintroduce themselves? Then I love him first, approach him continuously and at the point where I confess my love to him, will there be a chance for me to redo everything? Can I get one more chance? I really feel stupid. I shouldn't have gone that afternoon. I shouldn't have raised my ego. I should have been more patient by his side and understood him. I should have known he was always behind me, I pulled him forward to walk beside me or I should have stopped and waited for him to be next to me. Because now, for God's sake, I feel that I am responsible for the pain I experienced, the illusory happiness that Joohyuk felt, as well as the bonds that bound Chanyeol. The three of us got hurt, because of me."

Luna cried hearing that. He rested his chin on Kris' head. Rubbing his back. Meanwhile, Kris clenched his fists and held his breath.

Luna has not been able to answer all of Kris' stories, all of her heart outpourings. Luna didn't know that Kris was hurt this deep. Luna didn't know how many thoughts Kris was thinking to ruin her this badly.

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