Chapter 8- Crash Course in Etiquette

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So sorry I've been gone lovelies! To make up for it, I made this chapter longer! Song inspiration: Royalty by Egzod, Maestro Chives, and Neoni

"Your heart sounds like it's moments from bursting from your chest." I murmur in my beloved's ear, and the harsh swallow that follows her shuddering makes me chuckle softly.

"I'm sure you're not the only one who hears it, and that thought isn't helping either." She huffs, and I pull her a little closer in an attempt to comfort her.

"I assure you Lovely, there isn't a single person in that room that has the gall to lay a hand on you, or doesn't know that any attempt to do so would end very poorly for them."

She sighs. "I'm more concerned with how they're going to react to me being a human woman."

It takes me a moment longer than usual to process her words, and I can not stop the laughter that spills out me. I nearly double over, and the sight of Josie's perplexed expression only makes me laugh harder.

"Rae! Why are you laughing? This is serious!"

I manage to gather myself by some miracle, clearing my throat as I straighten myself back up.

"I'm sorry Lovely, it's just that we're about to be in a ballroom full of stuffy, traditional, pureblooded vampires, and you are worrying more that they won't like you rather than the fact that they could kill you with very little effort." I explain, chuckling despite myself, "I just find it hilarious, considering the circumstances."

Realization flashes in her expression, a silent 'oh' leaving her parted lips. It takes all my restraint to not start laughing again, knowing it will just frustrate her more.

She didn't even think of it. Adorable. Naive, but adorable.

"I guess I didn't think about that part. I was more concerned with remembering names and customs, and trying to avoid making an absolute fool of myself...especially if there's dancing involved." She explains, "and I really don't want to make you look foolish in front of your court."

I sigh, pulling her closer to me once more, this time her chest flush with mine. I gently brush over her cheek with my thumb, enjoying the blush that deepens as I hold her gaze.

"I assure you Lovely, there is nothing you can do that will embarrass me."

"You say that now, but you weren't there to see what happened the last time I wore a dress...or danced." She grumbles, and I chuckle.

"Maybe not, but my point still stands. I could never be embarrassed by you."

She smiles softly, and I revel in the lovely sight.

"And the human thing?"

"Nothing to worry about, they already know you're human, and a woman. Once Kara found out who you were through her visions, I informed the elites of it. I was sick and tired of them vying for being my mate, and telling them I had a Beloved seemed to be the only thing that got them to stop." I explain, and her eyes widen in surprise.

"You...had people asking to be your mate?"

I chuckle. "Why yes, I did. What, do you think I'm not pretty enough?" I tease, and her reaction is priceless.

"No, that's not what I-Rae!" She stammers, frustration evident.

"I know Lovely, I'm just teasing." I assure, poking her nose. "It's an old tradition for vampire elite to have arranged or contracted mates. It's not as commonplace now as it was then, but it still happens within the Royal coven."

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