Chapter 3- Love At First Sight

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Kira was right, as usual. She is beautiful.

I gently stroke a strand of her hair, the dark tendrils soft and silky as they slide between my fingers. I have been by her side since the moment I found her, my instinct to protect her almost primal it seems. From the moment Kira told me where she and her friends were heading, I was not able to think of anything else except getting to her as quickly as possible, the fear of her being harmed-or worse, panicking me.

The place they were in is one I have been trying to close to the public since I became Queen, for one reason only.

The Shades.

The vile creatures that hunt there are a hellish force, one that threatens even the strongest of the supernatural. They are creatures of shadow and smoke that desire nothing but life energy, and feel nothing but hunger. Too many humans have died there, and many vampires have gone insane after exposure. Mostly from the former king using this place as a punishment for those who would disobey him.

I have been attempting to purchase that land for months, but human government has a lot more red tape than vampires do, so all I have gotten is headaches and excuses.

I am just relieved that I got there in time, the sight of that Shade enveloping my Beloved nearly sent me into a feral state, goddess only knows what would have happened if she had been fed on by that thing for even a moment. I could have lost her before I even had her.

Sighing, I shake myself from the troubling thoughts, brushing over her face with my fingertips, enjoying the warmth it brings to my hands. Her scent is like honey and black tea...sweet, strong, earthy, and warm. Goddess, what I would give for just a sip-

Patience Ramona, give it time. She's barely met you.

A soft knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts, and I can tell from the scent it is the coven healer.

"Come in."

He opens the door, a hesitant look on his face as he meets my gaze, no doubt nervous. I do not make a habit of coming to the healer often, so he has not spent much time in my presence. And added to the fact my beloved is here after being attacked, it seems the poor boy is terrified of me.

"I will not bite child, there is no need to be afraid of me." I assure, mentally adding the 'as long as you don't harm my beloved'.

"Of course Your Majesty." He answers, clearing his throat as he enters. For a recently turned vampire in his forties, he is quite boyish.

"From what we can tell, she's healthy overall. Outside from the significant drop in body temperature, which she recovered from quickly thanks to your actions, she doesn't have any other signs of a Shade attack, and certainly none of the ones caused by being fed on. She's very lucky."

I sigh in relief, brushing her cheek with my thumb.

"Yes, she is...and her friends?"

"Oh, yes. The two in shock have recovered well, and the one with the head injury is awake, being treated for a mild concussion. But his prognosis is good. They are all asking about your Beloved, what should I tell them?"

"You can tell them she is resting, but unharmed. Once she is awake they can come see her."

He nods, but shifts uncomfortably as he bites his lip, and I sigh.

"They are asking about what happened, I assume?"

"Yes, we've kept them separate, and we haven't said anything about it. But they are very insistent."

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