Chapter 4- What Are You?

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"She suspects something, she must."

Kira hums at my statement, her eyes almost flickering with the visions that are going through her head. Part of me has always been curious about the extent of what she sees, and used to wish that I could 'see' through her eyes for even a brief period of time.

Until I realized there are probably many visions she's received that haunt her, that live in her mind like Shades in the Screaming Woods.

It is both a curse and blessing to see into the future like she does.

"I believe so." She answers after a moment, turning towards me slightly, her expression almost guarded.

I already had an inkling she did, the intensity in her brown eyes laced with curiosity as I returned to tell her that her friends wished to see her now that she was awake. It was like she was looking at a puzzle instead of just me.

"How much?"

She goes quiet again.

"It's difficult to say. The only things I know for certain is one: She knows that creature was real and not just a bad dream, and two: you aren't human. Everything else is unclear."

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I wish I knew more of her mindset. This is not going to be an easy conversation."

"I wish I could tell you more Ramona, but my gift only goes so far. I get visions that change with each small decision the person makes, not set in stone prophecies that happen regardless of any attempt to change or avoid them."

"I know Kira, I do not blame you. I just do not know how to approach this. I certainly did not expect to tell her about myself this quickly, especially after meeting the way we did."

A stress induced headache begins to throb painfully, and I groan.

"I know, but you have to now. She knows there is more. And regardless of how it ends, your mate pull is intact now that you've met, staying apart will be painful for you until you either embrace being mates, or..."

She does not finish, she does not have to. Rejection was the worst possible outcome of this, but if she leaves without knowing the truth about what I am, and how we are tied to each other we will both suffer for it in the long term. And I would rather her reject me here and now instead of letting her suffer without knowing why, regardless of how much it would hurt.

"If you want my advice. Be honest with her."

I look to see her twisting a strand of hair around her fingers.

"In every future where you lie, or try to keep it a secret, she loses trust in you. I can't say for certain that she won't reject you if you're honest, but the only futures where both of you are together, are the ones that start with you telling her the truth."

I inhale deeply, processing her words, and she is right. Dancing around the truth will not help her trust me, and that is the worst thing a mated pair could lose, especially so early after meeting each other.

Dear Goddess, give me strength.

I glance at the door to the room my beloved is in, the sounds of her talking to her friends muted, but still audible. Once they leave her room, me and Josephine will have to talk.


It took a while for her friends to leave, but eventually all of them needed to be checked over by a healer and then go back to their rooms for rest, so they all reluctantly leave Josephine alone.

She's Mine!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora