"At Your Best" 🎶🕶

Start from the beginning

"Okay okay. Chill. Why are you always trying to leave me? Damn" Stoney shook her head and chuckled. "I'm not laughing" Avi'anna replied, getting annoyed, she felt like Stoney took her as a joke. Stoney nodded, "can you look at me please, I deserve that respect, right?" Stoney replied, and Avi'anna slowly looked at her. Stoney smiled, 'she's sexy ass fuck' Stoney thought, she couldn't help but always think of Avi'anna's beauty no matter what.

"She's a girl that I used to mess with a long ass time ago like LONG. I haven't seen her in years, I swear" Stoney answered and Avi'anna nodded. "I really don't wanna do this today, please not today, you can be mad at me on a day they aren't burying my brother. Alright?" Stoney continued and Avi'anna eyed her face. She saw the hurt in Stoney's eyes, and she nodded, feeling selfish "I'm sorry" she said, and Stoney slightly smiled at her.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for, my love" Stoney mumbled and kissed her forehead.

"...But at your best, you are love
You're a positive motivating force within my life
Should you ever feel the need to wonder why
Let me know, let me know
Laaaaa hahh, let me know"
After the funeral.
The repast.

Stoney and Avi'anna walked into Stoney's childhood room and Stoney began taking off her dress and heels, as Avi looked around the room. "You ran track?" She asked as she touched the metals, and Stoney nodded. "Yeah, I was forced to at first, but I eventually couldn't stop running" Stoney explained, hinting at different things.

"You look beautiful" Avi'anna said as Stoney put on lip gloss and Stoney playfully rolled her eyes as she blushed. "Thank you ma" Stoney kissed her lightly, not wanting to smudge both of their glosses. They looked at the door as they heard a knock, "It's just me" Liyah announced as she walked in. She eyed the room "damn I haven't been in here since high school, still smells has that funky smell too" she joked, making Avi snicker. Stoney rolled her eyes and slightly glared as Liyah winked at Avi.

"Maliyah, please stop playing with me" Stoney warned Liyah, and Liyah had a big smile on her face. "Well um we should head downstairs" Avi'anna said as she could feel some tension between the two, she also realized they've barely acknowledged each other today. Liyah walked out the room first, and Avi eyed Stoney, "are y'all okay?" She asked curiously, and Stoney nodded. "Perfect. Let's go" Stoney said putting her hand out, and Avi grabbed it, making sure to close the door.

"...When you feel, what you feel, oh how hard for me to understand
So many things have taken place, before this love affair began
But If you feel, oh like I feel, confusion can give way to doubt
For there are times when I fall short of what I say, what I say I'm all about, all

They walked down the stairs and different people were coming in and out the house. Avi'anna could feel eyes on her, and she looked around, but didn't find anyone looking. 'Maybe it's my nerves' she thought as she looked at all Stoney's family and friends. Avi looked down then looked at the people Stoney and her family were talking to.

"My grandma wants you to help her cook. Is that fine?" Stoney asked, rubbing Avi'anna's hand. "Yes" Avi agreed, she had met her grandma two days ago, and she enjoyed the old lady's company, so she hoped the older woman felt the same.

"Hi baby" Avi'anna hugged the older woman "hi Ms. Evelyn, you look lovely" Avi complemented, and she was really in awe at how beautiful Stoney's grandmother was, Stoney looked a little like her. They had the same eyes. "Oh, thank you, sweetheart. You look beautiful as well. Tab finally got a girlfriend who can dress" The older woman said, making Avi'anna blush and giggle.

"Now, Stoney told me you like baking?" Avi'anna nodded and they both walked farther into the kitchen.
It had been around 2 hours since Avi'anna and Stoney last spoke to each other, but Avi'anna wasn't tripping. She was enjoying the time with Stoney's grandma, the older lady was funny and reminded her of her own grandma. Plus, Avi didn't want to be around too much sadness or people crying.

"Can you go get me the flour from the garage? It's too heavy for me" Evelyn asked and Avi'anna nodded. "Yes ma'am" she was about to walk out the kitchen when Liyah came up to her. "I'll go with, the bag she's talking about is hella big" She informed, making Avi nod.

The garage was up and there were a bunch of men talking, playing cards or dominoes. Stoney's parents had an extra pantry back there and that's where they went. Avi'anna looked at Liyah and noticed how red her nose was, and she didn't like it.

"Do you want a hug?" Avi'anna asked, slightly opening her arms and Liyah looked confused at first then nodded, smiling softly. "Thank you" Liyah mumbled as they hugged, Liyah needed it a lot more than she thought. "Of course. I'll be here for you for anything" Avi'anna said, rubbing her back. "Tab doesn't know how lucky she is to have you fr" Liyah said as they pulled out the hug.

Tell me what it is
There's no need to make believe
Look beyond your words
Try to find a place for me"

Liyah thought Avi'anna was very sweet and nurturing, she gave her the vibes of an older sister. "Thank you" Avi'anna mumbled as she put her hair behind her hair. She wanted to deny, but she's been working on accepting people's compliments, no matter how hard it was.

Liyah patted under her eyes and nodded. "Let's get this flour before you make me cry all my makeup off" Liyah joked as they picked up the huge thing of flour. They were walking out of the pantry when Avi'anna heard Stoney's voice, making her stop and turn where the cars were.

"I didn't reply for a reason" Avi'anna heard and she eyed the young woman Stoney was talking to. The woman smiled at Stoney and Stoney looked irritated. It was clear that the woman looked like she was trying to flirt, and Stoney was about to walk away when the woman grabbed her arm and pulled her into her. Stoney yanked her arm back and lightly pushed the woman, "leave. Leave right now, or I swear bro" Avi'anna heard, and she began to notice that the young woman looked really familiar.

When Stoney walked away from the woman, Avi'anna looked at Liyah who was suddenly reading the label of the flour. "Hmm that's a lot of ingredients" Liyah mumbled and Avi'anna eyed Liyah then she heard Stoney's car skert off. "Who was that Liyah?" Avi'anna asked and Liyah sighed, shaking her head.


"...Let me know
Let me know, let me know
See, stay at your best baby..."

- 7/3/22
- Wh0ref0rBillie

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