"All Good" 🎶🥀

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February 2022.
Same Night.
Stoney's Room.
7:32 pm.

"You wanna break up with me?"


"That's what it sounds like"

"There's a difference, well, I think"

"Not to me. Breaks are only excuses to cheat"

"Says who?"

"Me and that's all that matters tf"

"That's unfair, and it doesn't make sense"

Stoney shrugged and there was a silence while Stoney got dressed and Avi'anna looked around the room, locating her stuff.

"...Why you let me hurt you so bad?
Why you let me get you so mad?
Something I do not understand
Dealing with a delicate wo(man)"

"You kissed her?" Avi'anna asked, breaking the silence, and Stoney looked confused. "Who?" She asked and Avi'anna sighed "Amani" she said, and Stoney snickered "stop playing with me" she told Avi as she sat on the edge of her bed.

"Stoney" Avi'anna rolled her eyes, "okay- I kissed he-" Avi'anna was turning to leave out the room when Stoney grabbed her shirt and pulled her between her legs. "Chill. Just listen" Stoney said and Avi'anna felt nauseous again.

"I kissed her in 7th grade, it was a dare. Everyone knew how she had this huge crush on me, and they joked about it a lot. I kissed her once, she tried to kiss me on the trip and I pushed the hell out of her. She fell on the floor and everything" Stoney explained, with a bored look on her face. She was tired of talking about Amani.

"...Why you? Why you?
Why you so sensitive? Yeah
Why you? Why you?
Why you so serious? Yeah"

"Why didn't you tell me that yesterday?" Avi'anna asked, "why didn't you tell me when we were on the trip? You just let me continue to be friends with her?" She continued, and Stoney shrugged "I have been telling you she wasn't your friend, I tried to warn you, but you're right I should've told you when it happened. That was my fault so for that I'm sorry" Stoney apologized, she didn't feel she was wrong completely, but she did feel she should've told her about the kiss on the trip.

Even if she didn't feel she was wrong, she was still gonna apologize if it made Avi'anna feel better.

"Is that all?" Stoney asked, "are there any other secrets you have?" Avi'anna asked, eying Stoney's face. "Explain the question please" Stoney replied then smiled as she pulled Avi'anna closer to her, wrapping her legs around Avi's. "Are there any big secrets you have?" Avi'anna asked, "anything that could hurt us? Break us up?" Avi'anna continued asking, her nauseous feeling finally went away.

"Nothing could break us up tf stop playing with me" Stoney grabbed Avi'anna chin and pecked her lips. Avi didn't reply and just eyed Stoney face, waiting for her to answer her questions. Stoney slightly smiled then pecked her lips again, dropping her hand into her lap.

"Do I have secrets? Of course, I'm sure you got stuff you haven't told me. I personally just like leaving stuff in the past, I'm not trying to leave you out the loop. I should've told you about Amani seeming, as that is your friend, so I take accountability for that. But I'm not a secretive person, I just don't like mentioning people that are no longer in my life" Stoney answered. "Is that a problem?" Stoney asked and Avi shook her head no.

"...Why you let me do you like that?
Hanging on every word I said, uh
Something I do not understand
You should leave the past in the past"

She wanted to ask about India, but she couldn't bring herself to it. She could tell Stoney was tired of her questions and she didn't want to keep dragging all this on. She could also tell from the look on Liyah's face and eyes that the India girl was worse than Amani. Avi couldn't handle all that right now.
2 hours later.

"I hate them" "birds?" Stoney asked, and Avi'anna nodded, "yeah" "you mean to tell me you're scared of birds but not snakes?" Stoney asked, and Avi giggled at the question.

"Yeah, I've always wanted a pet snake or lizard" Avi'anna explained and Stoney chuckled, "you're so backwards man" Stoney shook her head and Avi shrugged.

"...Just when it's turning into something good
Just when it's turning out the way that it should
Think you should let it be the way that it could
If you just let it be, then it would be good, all good, all"

They were laying in Stoney's bed, and they were asking random questions about each other. It's something they enjoyed, one person would lay at each end of the bed and their hands would meet, and they would hold hands and ask the first question that came into their head.

"Have you ever broken a bone?" Avi'anna asked and Stoney smiled, "yeah, I can't lie, I was a badass kid. This girl pushed me off the swings and I landed on my arm, I couldn't even get up. I got my lick back though" Stoney explained. "Lick back?" Avi'anna questioned "yeah it means like I got her back for pushing me" Stoney replied.

Before Avi'anna could say anything, she felt moisture on her foot. "Did you just lick my foot?" Avi'anna asked, sitting up. "Mhm" "you be sucking toes?" Avi'anna asked, very seriously, and Stoney busted out laughing.

"...Why you ain't you? why?
Why you ain't you? (Why?)
Why you ain't you? why?
Why you ain't you? (Why?)
Why you ain't you? why?
Why you ain't you? (Why?)
Why you let me hurt you so bad? (Right)"

"No, I mean I've tried before, but her feet were ugly, so I couldn't finish" Stoney joked and Avi'anna laughed. "You got pretty feet though, I'll suck these with some hot sauce" Stoney said, and she looked at Avi hoping she would get the reference.

"Wait, wait I know where that's from" Avi'anna smiled big and jumped up, now sitting on her knees. "It's from the movie with the fine brothers. Don't be an uh menace" Avi'anna said and Stoney nodded, while smiling. "Good job baby" Stoney replied, put her fingers under Avi's chin to kiss her. Avi groaned when Stoney pulled away.

"You tried to break up with me and just called two men fine in my face. I'm not kissing you no more" Stoney's smile dropped, and she tried to look serious. "Are you for real?" Avi'anna asked and Stoney nodded. "Mhm" Stoney looked confused as Avi snickered.

"Ima take it the easy way or the hard way, you choose" Avi'anna slightly rolled her neck.

"Ba-" before Stoney could finish, Avi jumped on her and pinned her arms over her head. "Too slow" Avi'anna said with a big smile on her face. Stoney laughed as Avi kissed all over her face.

"...If you just let it be, then it would be good
If you just let it be then it would be good
All good, all good, all good, all good
All good, all good, all good..."

- 6/26/22
- WhoreforBillie

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